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Top 10 Signature Size-Up Moves in NBA 2K16: Enhance Your Game with These Deadly Tricks

The best signature size-up moves in NBA 2K16 can make or break your game. Learn which ones to use for maximum effectiveness and dominance on the court.

The signature size-up in NBA 2K16 is an essential tool for any player looking to dominate on the court. It allows for a quick and explosive move that can leave defenders in the dust and create scoring opportunities. But what exactly is the best signature size-up in the game? In this article, we will break down the top options and provide tips on how to use them effectively.

First up is the Shammgod signature size-up, which is based on the move made famous by former NBA player God Shammgod. This size-up involves a quick crossover followed by a behind-the-back dribble, creating space between the offensive player and defender. It's a flashy move that can be effective in one-on-one situations and can even lead to highlight-reel plays.

Another popular signature size-up is the Hesitation move. This size-up involves a quick fake to one side, followed by a quick change of direction to the other side. It's a move that can catch defenders off guard and create space for a shot or drive to the basket. This size-up is particularly effective for players with good ball-handling skills and quick feet.

The Double Behind the Back size-up is a more advanced move that requires precise timing and execution. This move involves two behind-the-back dribbles in quick succession, creating confusion for the defender and allowing the offensive player to get past them. While it may take some practice to master, this size-up can be deadly in the right hands.

For players who prefer a simpler approach, the Simple Crossover size-up may be the best option. As the name suggests, this move involves a quick crossover dribble to create separation from the defender. While it may not be as flashy as some of the other options, it can still be effective in creating scoring opportunities.

One of the newest signature size-ups in NBA 2K16 is the Stepback move. This size-up involves a quick step back followed by a shot or drive to the basket. It's a move that can be particularly effective for players who are good at shooting from mid-range.

Another effective size-up is the Between the Legs move. This size-up involves dribbling the ball between the legs, creating space between the offensive player and defender. It's a move that can be particularly effective in one-on-one situations and can even lead to highlight-reel plays.

While each of these signature size-ups has its strengths, it's important to remember that they are only as effective as the player using them. It's important to practice each move and know when to use them in different situations. With enough practice and skill, any of these size-ups can be deadly on the court.

In conclusion, the best signature size-up in NBA 2K16 depends on the player's style and skillset. Whether you prefer a flashy move like the Shammgod or a simpler approach like the Simple Crossover, there is a size-up that will work for you. The key is to practice and master each move, so that you can use them effectively in different situations on the court.

The Importance of a Good Signature Size-Up in NBA 2K16

One of the most important things to master in NBA 2K16 is the signature size-up move. This move allows you to create space between you and your defender, giving you an opportunity to either shoot or drive to the basket. A good signature size-up can be the difference between scoring a basket or getting blocked by your defender.

The Basic Signature Size-Up Moves

There are several basic signature size-up moves in NBA 2K16 that can be effective if used correctly. These moves include the crossover, the behind-the-back dribble, and the spin move. Each of these moves can be executed by pressing a combination of buttons on your controller.

The crossover move involves dribbling the ball from one hand to the other, while quickly changing direction. This move can be effective in creating space between you and your defender, allowing you to either shoot or drive to the basket.

The behind-the-back dribble involves dribbling the ball behind your back, while quickly changing direction. This move can also be effective in creating space between you and your defender.

The spin move involves spinning around your defender while dribbling the ball. This move can be effective in confusing your defender and creating space for a shot or drive to the basket.

The Importance of Timing

Timing is everything when it comes to executing a good signature size-up move. You need to be able to read your defender and anticipate their movements in order to execute the move at the right time. If you execute the move too early, your defender may be able to block your shot or steal the ball. If you execute the move too late, your defender may be able to stay with you and prevent you from creating space.

The Importance of Practice

Like any skill in NBA 2K16, mastering the signature size-up move takes practice. You need to be able to execute the move quickly and smoothly in order to create space between you and your defender. The more you practice, the better you will become at executing the move in game situations.

Advanced Signature Size-Up Moves

Once you have mastered the basic signature size-up moves, you can start to incorporate more advanced moves into your game. These moves include the between-the-legs dribble, the hesitation move, and the step-back jumper.

The between-the-legs dribble involves dribbling the ball between your legs while changing direction. This move can be effective in creating space and confusing your defender.

The hesitation move involves faking out your defender by pretending to stop before quickly accelerating past them. This move can be effective in creating space and getting to the basket.

The step-back jumper involves taking a step back from your defender before shooting the ball. This move can be effective in creating space and getting a clear shot at the basket.


The signature size-up move is an essential skill for any NBA 2K16 player. It allows you to create space between you and your defender, giving you an opportunity to either shoot or drive to the basket. By mastering the basic and advanced signature size-up moves, and practicing the timing of these moves, you can become a more effective and dangerous player on the court.

The Importance of Signature Size-Up Moves in NBA 2K16

In NBA 2K16, signature size-up moves are an essential part of a player's offensive game. These moves are used to create space and separation from the defender, allowing the player to get off a shot or make a play for themselves or their teammates. By mastering signature size-up moves, players can become more effective on offense and score more points.

Top Signature Size-Up Moves for Guards in NBA 2K16

For guards in NBA 2K16, the most effective signature size-up moves include the hesitation dribble, the crossover, and the behind-the-back dribble. The hesitation dribble is a great move to use when trying to create space for a jump shot or drive to the basket. The crossover is a classic move that can be used to shake a defender and create an open lane to the basket. The behind-the-back dribble is a great move for changing direction quickly and leaving the defender behind.

Mastering Signature Size-Up Moves for Forwards in NBA 2K16

Forwards in NBA 2K16 can benefit from using signature size-up moves such as the spin move, the step-back jumper, and the fake pass. The spin move is a great way to get past a defender and create an open shot or layup. The step-back jumper is a difficult move for defenders to defend, as it creates space and allows the player to shoot over the defender. The fake pass is a great move to use when trying to create space for a shot or drive to the basket.

The Best Signature Size-Up Moves for Centers in NBA 2K16

Centers in NBA 2K16 may not use signature size-up moves as often as guards or forwards, but they can still benefit from using them. The best signature size-up moves for centers include the drop step, the up-and-under move, and the hook shot. The drop step is a great move to use when trying to create space in the post and get off a shot or layup. The up-and-under move is a great way to fake out a defender and create an open shot or layup. The hook shot is a classic move that can be used to score over taller defenders.

How to Execute Signature Size-Up Moves in NBA 2K16

Executing signature size-up moves in NBA 2K16 requires a combination of timing, skill, and practice. To execute a signature size-up move, hold down the right stick in the direction you want to move. This will initiate the size-up animation. Once the animation has started, quickly release the right stick and move in the opposite direction to create separation from the defender.

Signature Size-Up Moves That Are Hard to Defend in NBA 2K16

Some signature size-up moves in NBA 2K16 are more difficult to defend than others. Moves such as the hesitation dribble, the crossover, and the spin move are all difficult to defend, as they create space and separation from the defender. Other moves, such as the step-back jumper and the up-and-under move, are effective because they create a sense of uncertainty in the defender's mind, making it difficult for them to anticipate the player's next move.

The Most Popular Signature Size-Up Moves in NBA 2K16

The most popular signature size-up moves in NBA 2K16 are those that are most effective at creating space and separation from the defender. These moves include the hesitation dribble, the crossover, the behind-the-back dribble, the spin move, and the step-back jumper. These moves are popular because they are effective at getting the player open for a shot or drive to the basket.

How Signature Size-Up Moves Can Help You Score in NBA 2K16

Signature size-up moves can help players score in NBA 2K16 by creating space and separation from the defender. By using these moves effectively, players can get off a shot or drive to the basket without being contested by the defender. Additionally, signature size-up moves can be used to create scoring opportunities for teammates, as they can draw defenders away from other players and open up passing lanes.

Creating Your Own Signature Size-Up Moves in NBA 2K16

Players in NBA 2K16 can create their own signature size-up moves by experimenting with different combinations of dribble moves and animations. To create your own signature size-up move, start by selecting a dribble move that you are comfortable with. From there, experiment with different animations and movements until you find something that works for you. Once you have created your signature size-up move, practice it until you can execute it flawlessly in game situations.

Signature Size-Up Moves to Use in Clutch Situations in NBA 2K16

When the game is on the line, players in NBA 2K16 can use signature size-up moves to create scoring opportunities for themselves or their teammates. Moves such as the hesitation dribble, the crossover, and the step-back jumper are all effective in clutch situations, as they can create space and separation from the defender. Additionally, the fake pass and up-and-under move can be effective in drawing defenders away from other players and opening up passing lanes for easy baskets.In conclusion, signature size-up moves are an essential part of a player's offensive game in NBA 2K16. By mastering these moves, players can become more effective on offense and score more points. Whether you are a guard, forward, or center, there are signature size-up moves that can help you create space and separation from the defender. By practicing these moves and experimenting with new combinations, players can become more versatile and effective on offense, leading to more wins and a better overall gaming experience.

Best Signature Size Up in NBA 2K16

Point of View

As an avid NBA 2K16 player, I firmly believe that the best signature size up in the game is the Jamal Crawford size up. It is a quick and effective move that can easily create separation from defenders, allowing for open shots or drives to the basket.


  • The Jamal Crawford size up is quick, making it difficult for defenders to react.
  • It creates significant space between the offensive player and the defender.
  • It can be used effectively both off the dribble and in isolation situations.
  • It allows for quick and explosive moves to the basket.
  • It is easy to execute once mastered.


  • It may be too flashy for some players and could result in turnovers.
  • It requires practice and timing to execute correctly.
  • Defenders who are familiar with the move may be able to anticipate it.
  • Players who rely too heavily on the move may become predictable.
  • It may not work as well against certain defenders who have high defensive ratings.

Comparison table of NBA 2K16 Signature Size Ups

Signature Size Up Pros Cons
Jamal Crawford Quick, creates space, effective off the dribble and in isolation Too flashy, requires practice, may become predictable
Allen Iverson Quick, effective in isolation, creates separation May result in turnovers, not as versatile as other size ups
Kyrie Irving Quick, effective off the dribble, can create space for jump shots or drives to the basket Requires practice to execute correctly, may be too flashy for some players
Stephen Curry Quick, effective in creating space for jump shots or drives to the basket May not work as well against high defensive rating defenders, requires practice to execute correctly
In conclusion, while there are several signature size ups in NBA 2K16 that can be effective, the Jamal Crawford size up stands out as the best in terms of creating separation and allowing for quick, explosive moves to the basket. However, it is important for players to practice and master the move in order to use it effectively and avoid becoming predictable on the court.

The Best Signature Size-Up Moves in NBA 2K16

As a basketball game enthusiast, you know that the signature size-up moves in NBA 2K16 can make or break your game. These moves are essential for creating space between you and your defender and for getting open shots. However, not all size-up moves are created equal, and some are more effective than others.

In this article, we've analyzed and tested the various signature size-up moves in NBA 2K16 to bring you the best ones to use in your game. We've also included tips on how to execute these moves effectively and when to use them.

Before we dive into the list of the best signature size-up moves, let's first define what a size-up move is. A size-up move is a dribbling technique used to create space between you and your defender by faking a move one way and then quickly changing direction. Size-up moves are often used by guards, but forwards and centers can also use them to get open and create scoring opportunities.

Now, without further ado, here are the best signature size-up moves in NBA 2K16:

1. Shammgod

The Shammgod is a classic size-up move that has been used by NBA players for decades. It involves faking a dribble one way and then quickly pulling the ball back in the opposite direction with your off hand. The move is named after former NBA player God Shammgod, who was known for his exceptional ball-handling skills.

To execute the Shammgod in NBA 2K16, press the right stick in the direction of the hand you want to fake with, then quickly flick it in the opposite direction with your off hand. This move is particularly effective when used in the open court or when you have a defender playing too close to you.

2. Hesitation

The hesitation move is a simple but effective size-up move that involves faking a move in one direction and then hesitating for a split second before quickly changing direction. This move can be used to create space between you and your defender or to get past a defender who is playing too tight.

To perform the hesitation move in NBA 2K16, press and hold the right stick in the direction of the hand you want to fake with, then release it and quickly flick it in the opposite direction. It's important to time this move correctly, as releasing the right stick too early or too late can make it less effective.

3. Killer Crossover

The Killer Crossover is a flashy size-up move that involves dribbling the ball between your legs while faking a move in one direction, then quickly changing direction and crossing over with the ball in the opposite direction. This move is great for creating space and getting past defenders, especially when used in combination with other moves.

To perform the Killer Crossover in NBA 2K16, flick the right stick in the direction you want to fake with, then quickly flick it in the opposite direction and hold it there until your player completes the crossover. This move requires quick hands and good timing, so practice it in the tutorial mode before using it in a game.

4. Behind the Back

The Behind the Back size-up move is a classic move that involves dribbling the ball behind your back while faking a move in one direction, then quickly changing direction and dribbling the ball in the opposite direction. This move is great for creating space and getting past defenders who are playing too close to you.

To perform the Behind the Back move in NBA 2K16, flick the right stick in the direction you want to fake with, then quickly flick it in the opposite direction and hold it there until your player completes the behind-the-back dribble. This move requires good timing and quick hands, so practice it in the tutorial mode before using it in a game.

5. Stepback

The Stepback size-up move is a great move to use when you have a defender playing too close to you. It involves taking a step back while faking a move in one direction, then quickly pulling up for a jump shot or driving to the basket in the opposite direction.

To perform the Stepback move in NBA 2K16, press and hold the right stick in the direction you want to fake with, then release it and quickly flick it in the opposite direction while holding the left trigger. This will cause your player to take a step back and create space between you and your defender.

6. Double Cross

The Double Cross size-up move is a flashy move that involves dribbling the ball in one direction while faking a move in the opposite direction, then quickly changing direction and crossing over with the ball in the opposite direction. This move is great for creating space and getting past defenders, especially when used in combination with other moves.

To perform the Double Cross move in NBA 2K16, flick the right stick in the direction you want to fake with, then quickly flick it in the opposite direction and hold it there until your player completes the crossover. Then, quickly flick the right stick in the original direction to complete the move. This move requires good timing and quick hands, so practice it in the tutorial mode before using it in a game.

7. Spin Move

The Spin Move size-up move is a great move to use when you have a defender playing too close to you. It involves spinning in one direction while faking a move in the opposite direction, then quickly driving to the basket or pulling up for a jump shot in the opposite direction.

To perform the Spin Move in NBA 2K16, flick the right stick in the direction you want to fake with, then quickly spin the left stick in the opposite direction and hold it there until your player completes the spin. This move requires good timing and quick hands, so practice it in the tutorial mode before using it in a game.

8. In and Out

The In and Out size-up move is a simple but effective move that involves dribbling the ball in one direction while faking a move in the opposite direction, then quickly pulling the ball back in the original direction and driving to the basket or pulling up for a jump shot.

To perform the In and Out move in NBA 2K16, flick the right stick in the direction you want to fake with, then quickly flick it in the opposite direction and hold it there until your player completes the fake. Then, quickly flick the right stick back in the original direction and drive to the basket or pull up for a jump shot.

9. Uro Step

The Uro Step size-up move is a great move to use when you have a defender playing too close to you. It involves taking a step in one direction while faking a move in the opposite direction, then quickly stepping in the opposite direction and driving to the basket or pulling up for a jump shot.

To perform the Uro Step move in NBA 2K16, press and hold the right stick in the direction you want to fake with, then release it and quickly flick it in the opposite direction while holding the left trigger. This will cause your player to take a step in the opposite direction and create space between you and your defender.

10. Stutter Step

The Stutter Step size-up move is a simple but effective move that involves dribbling the ball in one direction while faking a move in the opposite direction, then quickly hesitating for a split second before driving to the basket or pulling up for a jump shot in the original direction.

To perform the Stutter Step move in NBA 2K16, flick the right stick in the direction you want to fake with, then quickly flick it in the opposite direction and hold it there until your player completes the fake. Then, quickly release the right stick and press it again in the original direction to drive to the basket or pull up for a jump shot.

These are the top 10 signature size-up moves in NBA 2K16. However, keep in mind that these moves are only effective if used correctly and in the right situations. It's also important to practice these moves in the tutorial mode before using them in a game to ensure that you can execute them effectively.

Remember, signature size-up moves are just one aspect of a successful basketball game. To become a great player, you need to have a well-rounded game that includes good passing, rebounding, defense, and shooting skills. By incorporating these signature size-up moves into your game, you'll be one step closer to becoming a pro.

Thank you for reading this article, and we hope that it has been helpful to you. If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

People Also Ask About Best Signature Size Up NBA 2K16

What is a signature size up in NBA 2K16?

A signature size up is a unique dribble move performed by a player in NBA 2K16. It is used to create space between the defender and the ball handler.

How do I perform a signature size up in NBA 2K16?

To perform a signature size up, you need to select a player with a signature size up animation and press and hold the right stick in any direction. The player will then perform the signature size up move.

Which NBA 2K16 player has the best signature size up?

There are several NBA 2K16 players who have great signature size up moves. Some of the best signature size up moves in the game belong to players like Kyrie Irving, Steph Curry, Chris Paul, and James Harden.

What makes a signature size up effective in NBA 2K16?

A signature size up is effective if it can create enough space between the defender and the ball handler to allow the ball handler to make a move towards the basket or to set up a shot. The effectiveness of a signature size up also depends on the skill of the player using it, their speed, agility, and ball handling ability.

Can I customize my own signature size up in NBA 2K16?

No, you cannot customize your own signature size up in NBA 2K16. You can only select from the pre-existing signature size up animations that are available for each player in the game.