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Candy: The Sweetest Best Friend of Wonder Woman | Discover the Delicious Sidekick of DC Comics' Heroine

Candy is Wonder Woman's best friend and trusted ally. Together they fight for justice and save the world from evil forces.

When we think of Wonder Woman, we often envision her lasso of truth, her superhuman strength, and her impressive combat skills. However, there is one aspect of Wonder Woman's life that often goes overlooked - her best friend Candy. Yes, you read that right. Candy is a crucial character in Wonder Woman's story, and their friendship is something to be admired. In this article, we will explore the unique bond between Candy and Wonder Woman, and why Candy is more than just a sidekick.

Firstly, it's important to understand who Candy is. Candy is a young woman who first appeared in Wonder Woman #105 in 1959. She was created by writer Robert Kanigher and artist Ross Andru, and quickly became a fan favorite. Candy is known for her sweet personality, her love of fashion, and her unwavering loyalty to Wonder Woman.

One of the most interesting things about Candy is that she represents a different side of Wonder Woman's life. While Wonder Woman is a warrior and a hero, Candy is a civilian who lives a normal life. This contrast makes their friendship all the more special. Candy reminds Wonder Woman of the joys of everyday life, and Wonder Woman shows Candy the importance of standing up for what is right.

Another aspect of Candy's character that makes her unique is her fashion sense. Candy is always impeccably dressed, and her outfits are often the envy of the other characters in the comics. This attention to detail in her appearance shows that Candy is not just a one-dimensional character - she has her own interests and passions outside of being Wonder Woman's friend.

Of course, one of the most important things about Candy is her unwavering loyalty to Wonder Woman. Candy has been by Wonder Woman's side through thick and thin, and has proven herself to be a true friend time and time again. This loyalty is something that every reader can admire and aspire to in their own friendships.

Despite being a supporting character, Candy has had her fair share of adventures alongside Wonder Woman. In one storyline, Candy and Wonder Woman travel to a parallel universe where Candy becomes a superhero in her own right, known as Miss Candy Kane. This shows that Candy is not just a passive character - she is capable of taking charge and making a difference.

Another interesting aspect of Candy's character is her relationship with Steve Trevor, Wonder Woman's love interest. While Steve and Wonder Woman are often portrayed as a couple, Candy and Steve have a close friendship of their own. This adds another layer to Candy's character, showing that she is not defined solely by her relationship with Wonder Woman.

As we can see, Candy is much more than just a sidekick or a supporting character. She is a fully-realized character in her own right, with her own personality, interests, and strengths. Her friendship with Wonder Woman is something to be admired, and is a testament to the power of strong female relationships in comics.

In conclusion, Candy may not be as well-known as some of the other characters in Wonder Woman's world, but her importance should not be overlooked. Her unique perspective, fashion sense, and unwavering loyalty make her a standout character, and her friendship with Wonder Woman is something that every reader can aspire to. Candy may be the best friend of Wonder Woman, but she is also a hero in her own right.


Wonder Woman, the iconic superhero, is known for her bravery, strength, and unwavering commitment to justice. However, even superheroes need friends. In the case of Wonder Woman, her best friend is a candy named Candy. Yes, you read that right, her best friend is a candy. Candy is not your average sweet treat, but a sentient being who can communicate with Wonder Woman and assist her in her missions.

Who is Candy?

Candy is a small, colorful, and adorable candy that has become a beloved character in the Wonder Woman comics. She was introduced in the late 1980s as a creation of writer George PĂ©rez. Candy is not just any candy, but a magical candy that has the ability to communicate with Wonder Woman and other characters.

Magical Powers

Candy has a unique set of magical powers that make her an invaluable asset to Wonder Woman. Firstly, she has the ability to fly, which allows her to accompany Wonder Woman on her missions. Secondly, she can transform into different shapes and sizes depending on the situation. For example, she can transform into a key to unlock doors or a rope to tie up villains. Finally, she has the ability to communicate telepathically, which allows her to convey important information to Wonder Woman without being overheard by enemies.

Candy's Personality

Candy's personality is as sweet as her name suggests. She is kind, compassionate, and always eager to help. Her childlike innocence and naivety add a touch of humor to the comics and make her a fan favorite.

Loyalty to Wonder Woman

Despite her small size and seemingly insignificant role, Candy is fiercely loyal to Wonder Woman. She will do anything to protect her friend and assist her in any way possible. Candy's unwavering loyalty is a testament to the strong bond she shares with Wonder Woman.

The Importance of Candy in Wonder Woman's Life

Candy may seem like a minor character in the Wonder Woman comics, but she plays an important role in Wonder Woman's life. As a superhero, Wonder Woman faces many challenges and dangers on a daily basis. Having a loyal and reliable friend like Candy by her side gives her the emotional support she needs to face these challenges with courage and determination.

Emotional Support

Candy is not just a magical candy, but a friend who listens and understands. She provides emotional support to Wonder Woman during times of distress and helps her overcome her doubts and fears. In a way, Candy is like a therapist to Wonder Woman, helping her navigate the complexities of being a superhero and a human being.

Candy's Impact on Fans

Candy may be a fictional character, but she has had a significant impact on fans of the Wonder Woman comics. Many fans relate to Candy's childlike innocence and find comfort in her unwavering loyalty to Wonder Woman. Some even cosplay as Candy at comic conventions, showcasing their love and admiration for this beloved character.

Inspiration for Creativity

Candy has also inspired artists and writers to create their own versions of the character. Fan art and fan fiction featuring Candy have become popular on social media platforms, showcasing the creativity and imagination of fans.


In conclusion, Candy may be a small and seemingly insignificant character in the Wonder Woman comics, but she has had a big impact on fans and on Wonder Woman's life. Her magical powers, loyalty, and sweet personality make her a beloved character that fans can't get enough of. Candy is not just a candy, but a symbol of friendship and emotional support that transcends the pages of a comic book.

Sweet and Powerful: The Role of Candy in Wonder Woman's Life

Wonder Woman is undoubtedly one of the most iconic superheroes of all time. With her superhuman strength, incredible fighting skills, and unwavering moral compass, she has captured the hearts of millions of fans around the world. But there is another side to Wonder Woman that many people may not know about - her deep love for candy.

Yes, that's right. Candy. It may seem like an unlikely pairing, but candy has played a crucial role in Wonder Woman's life and adventures. From providing her with a source of strength and comfort to serving as a symbol of her optimism and moral compass, candy has become an important part of who she is.

Candy and Wonder Woman: A Match Made in Heaven

So how did this unlikely friendship between a superhero and candy begin? According to Wonder Woman herself, it all started when she was a young girl growing up on the island of Themyscira. As the daughter of Queen Hippolyta, she was raised among a community of fierce warrior women who valued strength and discipline above all else.

But even as a child, Wonder Woman had a sweet tooth. She loved nothing more than sneaking off to the kitchen to steal a piece of candy from the royal pantry. Her mother would scold her for it, but Wonder Woman couldn't help herself. There was something irresistible about the taste of sugar and the way it made her feel.

As she grew older and began her training as a warrior, Wonder Woman continued to indulge in her love for candy. She found that a small piece of candy before a battle would give her an extra burst of energy and focus. And after a long day of fighting, nothing helped her unwind quite like a sweet treat.

The Secret Life of Wonder Woman's Candy Stash

Over time, Wonder Woman's love for candy became something of a secret obsession. She would hide bags of candy all over Themyscira, stashing them away in hidden corners and secret compartments. She knew that her mother would disapprove, but she couldn't help herself.

And when she left Themyscira to join the outside world and fight for justice as Wonder Woman, she made sure to always keep a stash of candy on hand. Whether she was battling villains or saving innocents, candy was always there to provide her with the energy and strength she needed to keep going.

How Candy Helps Wonder Woman Save the World

But candy isn't just a source of comfort and pleasure for Wonder Woman - it's also a crucial tool in her fight against evil. As a superhero, Wonder Woman faces countless challenges and obstacles every day. Whether she's battling monsters, stopping terrorists, or saving the world from destruction, she needs to be at the top of her game at all times.

That's where candy comes in. By providing her with a quick burst of energy and focus, candy helps Wonder Woman stay sharp and alert even in the most intense situations. And because she always keeps a stash of candy on hand, she never has to worry about running out of fuel when she needs it most.

The Evolution of Wonder Woman's Candy Preferences

Of course, like any true candy lover, Wonder Woman's tastes have evolved over time. As a child, she was happy with simple sweets like lollipops and gummy bears. But as she grew older and began to explore the wider world of candy, she developed a taste for more exotic flavors and textures.

Today, Wonder Woman's candy preferences are as diverse as her many enemies. She loves everything from sour gummies to dark chocolate, and is always on the lookout for new and exciting candy experiences.

Candy as a Source of Strength for Wonder Woman

But candy is more than just a tasty treat for Wonder Woman - it's also a source of strength and power. As a superhero, Wonder Woman faces incredible physical and emotional challenges every day. But even in the darkest moments, candy gives her the energy and courage she needs to keep fighting.

For Wonder Woman, candy is a reminder that even the smallest things can make a big difference. It's a symbol of hope and resilience, and a testament to the power of the human spirit. And because she knows firsthand the strength that candy can provide, she is always willing to share her stash with others who may need it.

Candy as a Symbol of Wonder Woman's Optimism

But candy is more than just a source of strength for Wonder Woman - it's also a symbol of her optimism and hope. Despite all the darkness and despair she sees in the world around her, Wonder Woman refuses to give up on the belief that things can be better.

And candy is a tangible expression of that belief. By indulging in something sweet and joyful, Wonder Woman reminds herself that there is still beauty and goodness in the world worth fighting for.

The Connection Between Candy and Wonder Woman's Moral Compass

Finally, candy is intimately connected to Wonder Woman's moral compass. As a champion of justice and equality, she believes that everyone deserves to experience the simple pleasures of life - including candy.

By sharing her love for candy with others, Wonder Woman shows that even in the midst of conflict and strife, there is still room for kindness and generosity. And by reminding herself of the joy that candy can bring, she stays true to her core values of compassion and empathy.

The Surprising Health Benefits of Wonder Woman's Candy Addiction

But what about the health implications of Wonder Woman's candy addiction? Isn't all that sugar bad for her?

Actually, studies have shown that moderate consumption of candy can actually have a number of health benefits. For example, chocolate has been found to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, while gummy bears and other chewy candies can help improve dental health by stimulating saliva production.

Of course, it's important to remember that moderation is key - too much candy can lead to weight gain, tooth decay, and other health problems. But as long as Wonder Woman enjoys her candy in moderation and maintains a healthy diet and exercise regimen, there's no reason why she can't enjoy the many benefits of her sweet addiction.

Candy: A Constant Companion in Wonder Woman's Adventures

In the end, candy is more than just a sugary indulgence for Wonder Woman - it's a constant companion and source of strength in her ongoing adventures. Whether she's battling gods or saving the world from destruction, candy is always there to provide her with the energy, focus, and optimism she needs to keep going.

So the next time you see Wonder Woman chomping down on a piece of candy, remember that there's more to it than meets the eye. Candy may seem like a small thing, but for Wonder Woman, it's an essential part of who she is and what she stands for.

Candy - The Best Friend of Wonder Woman


Candy is a fictional character from the DC Comics Universe and one of the best friends of Wonder Woman. She made her first appearance in Wonder Woman #268 in 1980. Candy is known for her charming personality, quick wit, and her undying loyalty towards Wonder Woman.

Pros of Candy as Wonder Woman's Best Friend

1. Loyal Companion: Candy has been a constant companion of Wonder Woman and has been by her side through thick and thin.

2. Supportive Friend: She always supports Wonder Woman, encourages her, and helps her during her battles against the evil forces.

3. Intelligent: Candy is a highly intelligent person who can analyze situations quickly and come up with effective solutions.

4. Resourceful: She is well-connected and has access to a vast network of contacts that can be useful for Wonder Woman during her missions.

Cons of Candy as Wonder Woman's Best Friend

1. Non-Superpower: Candy does not possess any superpowers like Wonder Woman, which makes her vulnerable in dangerous situations.

2. Dependent on Wonder Woman: She is highly dependent on Wonder Woman for her safety and protection.

3. Limited Role: Her role is mostly limited to being a sidekick or a supporting character to Wonder Woman, which restricts her character development.

Comparison Table

Aspect Candy as Wonder Woman's Best Friend Other Best Friends of Superheroes
Loyalty Undying loyalty towards Wonder Woman Alfred Pennyworth - Batman's loyal butler and confidant
Superpowers Does not possess any superpowers Sam Wilson (Falcon) - Captain America's sidekick with the power of flight and enhanced senses
Intelligence Highly intelligent and resourceful Oracle (Barbara Gordon) - Batman's ally with exceptional intelligence and computer skills
Role Limited to being a sidekick or supporting character Robin (Dick Grayson) - Batman's sidekick who eventually becomes Nightwing and a standalone hero


In conclusion, Candy is a valuable asset to Wonder Woman, providing her with unwavering support and friendship. Though she lacks superpowers, her intelligence, resourcefulness, and loyalty make her an essential part of Wonder Woman's team. However, her limited role restricts her character development and limits her potential as a standalone hero.

Candy: Wonder Woman's Best Friend

Thank you for taking the time to read this article about one of the most beloved characters in the DC Universe - Wonder Woman. In this blog, we have explored the origins of her relationship with Candy, her best friend, and confidant. We have seen how their friendship has stood the test of time and has evolved over the years. In this closing message, we would like to discuss some of the key takeaways from this article and why Candy is such an important character in the Wonder Woman mythos.

First and foremost, it is essential to understand that Candy is not just a sidekick or a supporting character. She is a fully realized individual with her own personality, backstory, and motivations. She is not just there to make Wonder Woman look good or to serve as a plot device. She is a vital part of the story and a crucial component of Wonder Woman's support system.

Secondly, Candy represents a different perspective than that of Wonder Woman. While Wonder Woman is an Amazon warrior from an island paradise, Candy is an ordinary human being from the United States. Her friendship with Wonder Woman allows her to travel to exotic locales, meet incredible people, and experience adventures beyond her wildest dreams. However, she also represents the everyday person who can relate to Wonder Woman's struggles and help her navigate the complexities of the modern world.

Another important aspect of Candy's character is her unwavering loyalty to Wonder Woman. She is always there to support her friend, no matter the circumstances. Whether it's fighting off villains or helping Wonder Woman navigate her complex relationships with Steve Trevor or other members of the Justice League, Candy is always there, ready to lend a helping hand. This kind of friendship is rare and precious, and it is a testament to the enduring bond between these two characters.

Furthermore, Candy is an excellent example of how supporting characters can enrich a story. While Wonder Woman is undoubtedly the main character and the focus of most stories, it is the supporting cast that often makes the difference between a good story and a great one. By fleshing out characters like Candy, writers can create a more immersive and engaging world that feels lived in and real.

We have also explored how Candy's character has evolved over the years. In her earliest appearances, she was portrayed as a bubbly, naive teenager who served as a counterpoint to Wonder Woman's more serious demeanor. However, as the comics matured, so did Candy's character. She became more complex, with her own struggles and aspirations. This evolution is a testament to the creativity and skill of the writers who have worked on Wonder Woman over the years, and it shows that even minor characters can grow and change over time.

Finally, we would like to highlight the importance of representation in comics. Candy represents a significant milestone in the history of comic books - she was one of the first African-American characters to be introduced in a major comic book series. While her portrayal was not always perfect, and there were certainly missteps along the way, her very existence paved the way for other characters of color to be introduced into comics. Her inclusion helped to diversify the comic book landscape and make it a more welcoming and inclusive space for readers of all backgrounds.

In conclusion, we hope that this article has shed some light on the character of Candy and why she is such an important part of the Wonder Woman mythos. Her friendship with Wonder Woman is one of the most enduring and beloved relationships in all of comics, and it is a testament to the power of true friendship. We encourage you to continue exploring the rich tapestry of characters and stories that make up the DC Universe, and we hope that you will continue to support these characters for years to come.

People Also Ask About Candy, Best Friend of Wonder Woman

Who is Candy, best friend of Wonder Woman?

Candy is a fictional character from the DC Comics universe. She is the best friend of Wonder Woman and has been a recurring character in the comics since her introduction in 1943.

What is Candy's role in the comics?

Candy is often portrayed as a spunky and outgoing character who is always ready to help her friend Wonder Woman. She has been shown to be a skilled fighter and has even helped Wonder Woman in battles against their enemies.

Is Candy a superhero like Wonder Woman?

No, Candy is not a superhero like Wonder Woman. She is a regular human being who is close friends with Wonder Woman and often gets caught up in her adventures.

Has Candy appeared in any other media besides the comics?

Candy has appeared in various adaptations of Wonder Woman over the years, including the 1970s television series and the recent 2017 film. However, her role in these adaptations is usually minor and she is not a major character.

What is the relationship between Wonder Woman and Candy?

Wonder Woman and Candy are best friends who have been through many adventures together. They share a deep bond and care for each other deeply.

  • Candy is the best friend of Wonder Woman.
  • Candy is often portrayed as a spunky and outgoing character.
  • She is not a superhero like Wonder Woman.
  • Candy has appeared in various adaptations of Wonder Woman.
  • Wonder Woman and Candy share a deep bond and care for each other deeply.