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The Ultimate Guide to Prophesy of Pendor's Best Knight Orders: Mastered Strategies and Tactics

Join the best knight order in Prophesy of Pendor and defend the realm against enemies. Unleash your skills and become a legend!

The Prophesy of Pendor is a mod for the game Mount and Blade: Warband, which introduces a whole new world to explore. One of the most exciting features of this mod is the Best Knight Order, which offers players a unique and challenging gameplay experience. The Best Knight Order is a group of elite warriors who are sworn to protect the realm of Pendor from all threats. These knights are renowned for their incredible skills in combat and their unwavering loyalty to their cause. In this article, we will take a closer look at the Best Knight Order and what makes them such a formidable force in the world of Pendor.

One of the first things to note about the Best Knight Order is their strict code of honor. These knights are bound by a set of rules and principles that guide their actions both on and off the battlefield. The code includes ideals such as bravery, chivalry, and self-sacrifice, and those who fail to uphold these values are swiftly punished. This strict adherence to a moral code is what sets the Best Knight Order apart from other factions in the world of Pendor.

Another key aspect of the Best Knight Order is their training and expertise in combat. These knights are some of the best warriors in the land, and they have trained relentlessly to hone their skills. They are experts in all forms of combat, from archery to melee, and they are equally skilled on horseback as they are on foot. Their prowess in battle is unmatched, and they are feared by all who would stand against them.

Despite their formidable reputation, the Best Knight Order is not invincible. They face many challenges and obstacles in their quest to protect Pendor. One of the greatest threats to their order is the presence of rogue knights who have betrayed their oaths and turned against the realm. These renegade knights are often just as skilled as the Best Knight Order, and they pose a significant threat to their cause.

In addition to rogue knights, the Best Knight Order also faces the constant threat of invasion from foreign powers. The realm of Pendor is a coveted prize, and many neighboring kingdoms would love to conquer it for themselves. The Best Knight Order must be constantly vigilant and ready to defend their home from any and all threats.

Despite these challenges, the Best Knight Order remains steadfast in their commitment to their cause. They are a beacon of hope in a world filled with darkness, and they inspire others to join their ranks and fight for what is right. Their code of honor, their expertise in combat, and their unwavering dedication make them one of the most formidable factions in the world of Pendor.

In conclusion, the Best Knight Order is one of the most exciting and challenging aspects of the Prophesy of Pendor mod for Mount and Blade: Warband. These elite warriors are renowned for their skills in combat, their strict code of honor, and their unwavering dedication to protecting the realm of Pendor. Whether you are a seasoned veteran of the game or a newcomer looking for a fresh challenge, the Best Knight Order is sure to provide hours of thrilling gameplay and adventure.

The Prophesy of Pendor

The world of Pendor is a realm full of mysteries and secrets, where different factions and orders fight for their own interests. But there is one order that stands above all others, the Order of the Knights of the Ebony Gauntlet. This order is said to have been prophesied by the ancient seers of Pendor, who saw a vision of a group of knights clad in ebony armor, who would bring peace and justice to the land.

The Origins of the Order

The Knights of the Ebony Gauntlet were founded by a group of warriors who sought to create an order that would embody the virtues of chivalry and honor. They were inspired by the legends of King Arthur and his knights, and they believed that they could create a similar brotherhood that would serve as a beacon of hope for the people of Pendor.

The Trials of Initiation

Before one can become a Knight of the Ebony Gauntlet, they must undergo a series of trials to prove their worthiness. These trials are designed to test the candidate's courage, loyalty, and skill in combat. Only those who pass all the trials are deemed worthy of joining the order.

The Tenets of the Order

The Knights of the Ebony Gauntlet follow a strict code of conduct that emphasizes the values of honor, justice, and selflessness. They believe that it is their duty to protect the innocent and uphold the law, even if it means putting their own lives at risk.

The Oath of the Ebony Gauntlet

When a knight joins the Order of the Ebony Gauntlet, they must swear a solemn oath to uphold the values of the order. This oath binds them to a life of service and sacrifice, and it is considered a sacred bond that cannot be broken.

The Ebony Gauntlet in Battle

When the Knights of the Ebony Gauntlet ride into battle, they do so with a sense of purpose and determination. They are fierce warriors who fight with skill and discipline, but they also show mercy to their enemies and treat them with respect.

The Ebony Gauntlet's Battle Tactics

The Knights of the Ebony Gauntlet are known for their unique battle tactics, which involve using their ebony armor to intimidate their foes. They also employ a variety of weapons, including swords, lances, and crossbows, to take down their enemies from a distance.

The Ebony Gauntlet and Magic

While the Knights of the Ebony Gauntlet are primarily warriors, they are not without their own magical abilities. Many members of the order have learned how to harness the power of magic, using it to heal wounds and enhance their combat prowess.

The Ebony Gauntlet's Magical Training

Those who wish to learn magic within the Order of the Ebony Gauntlet must undergo a rigorous training process that involves mastering different spells and incantations. Only those who show great aptitude for magic are allowed to pursue this path.

The Future of the Ebony Gauntlet

The prophesy of the Knights of the Ebony Gauntlet speaks of a time when the order will play a crucial role in shaping the fate of Pendor. While no one knows exactly what this means, many believe that the order will somehow be involved in a great conflict that will determine the destiny of the realm.

The Legacy of the Ebony Gauntlet

Regardless of what the future holds, the Knights of the Ebony Gauntlet have already left a lasting legacy on the world of Pendor. They are revered as heroes and defenders of the innocent, and their deeds have inspired countless others to follow in their footsteps.


The Order of the Knights of the Ebony Gauntlet is one of the most revered and respected organizations in the world of Pendor. Their dedication to honor, justice, and selflessness has earned them the admiration of many, and their prophesied role in the future of the realm only adds to their mystique. Whether in battle or in peacetime, the Knights of the Ebony Gauntlet will always be remembered as shining examples of chivalry and courage.

The Origins of Pendor's Best Knight Order

The prophesy of Pendor is a world filled with wonder and magic, where knights and lords rule over the land. Among these knights, there is an order that stands out above the rest: Pendor's Best Knight Order. The origins of this order can be traced back to the early days of Pendor's history.According to legend, the first knight of the order was Sir Darlion, a valiant warrior who fought against the witches and warlocks that threatened the land. He was said to be a man of honor and courage, and his deeds inspired others to follow in his footsteps.Over time, other knights joined his cause, and they formed a brotherhood of warriors dedicated to protecting the people of Pendor from harm. They were known as the Knights of the Round Table, and their reputation spread far and wide.As Pendor grew and expanded, the order changed as well. It became more formalized, with strict rules and regulations governing who could join and how they could rise through the ranks. But at its core, the order remained true to its original purpose: to defend Pendor from those who would do it harm.

The Requirements for Joining the Order

Becoming a knight of Pendor's Best Knight Order is no easy task. The requirements are strict, and only the most skilled and courageous warriors are accepted into the order.First and foremost, a candidate must be of noble birth. This is not to say that commoners are not brave or skilled enough to become knights, but the order has always been reserved for those of noble blood. This is partly because of tradition, but also because being a knight requires a certain level of education and refinement that is often only available to the nobility.In addition to noble birth, a candidate must also demonstrate exceptional skill with a sword and other weapons. They must be able to ride a horse with ease, and be in top physical condition. The knights of Pendor's Best Knight Order are some of the most skilled and deadly warriors in the land, and only those who can match their prowess will be accepted.Finally, a candidate must also possess a strong sense of honor and loyalty. Knights of the order are expected to behave with chivalry at all times, and to put the needs of their lord and their fellow knights above their own.

The Training and Trials of a Knight of Pendor

Once a candidate has been accepted into the order, their training begins in earnest. They must endure grueling physical tests and trials, including long hours of riding, sword fighting, and archery practice.But it is not just physical training that is required. Knights of the order must also be educated in matters of strategy, diplomacy, and courtly behavior. They must be able to read and write, and have a good understanding of politics and history.The training is rigorous, and many candidates do not make it through the process. But for those who do, the rewards are great. They are granted the title of knight, and are given access to the best weapons and armor available. They are also given a horse and land to support themselves, as well as a retinue of servants and squires to assist them.

The Responsibilities of a Knight of the Order

Being a knight of Pendor's Best Knight Order is not just about fighting battles and winning glory. It is also about serving the people of Pendor and upholding the ideals of chivalry.Knights of the order are expected to protect the weak and vulnerable, to defend the honor of women, and to speak truth to power. They are also expected to be generous and charitable, and to help those in need.In addition to these duties, knights of the order are also expected to serve their lord and obey his commands. This can sometimes be a difficult task, especially if their lord's orders conflict with their own sense of honor and justice. But a true knight of Pendor's Best Knight Order will always put the needs of their lord and their fellow knights above their own.

The Weapons and Armor of the Order

The weapons and armor of Pendor's Best Knight Order are some of the finest in the land. Knights are typically armed with a longsword, a lance, and a shield, and wear armor made of steel or plate mail.In addition to these basic weapons, knights may also carry a bow and arrows for ranged combat. Some knights also carry a mace or hammer as a backup weapon, especially if they expect to face heavily armored opponents.The armor worn by knights of the order is designed to provide maximum protection while still allowing for ease of movement. The helmets are often decorated with plumes or crests, and the shields may be painted with the knight's personal emblem.

The Code of Conduct for Pendor's Best Knights

Knights of Pendor's Best Knight Order are bound by a strict code of conduct that governs their behavior both on and off the battlefield. This code is based on the ideals of chivalry, and includes such principles as honor, loyalty, bravery, and humility.Knights are expected to behave with courtesy and respect at all times, especially towards women and those of lower social status. They are also expected to speak truthfully and keep their word, even if it means putting themselves in danger.The code also emphasizes the importance of charity and generosity. Knights are expected to give freely to those in need, and to help the poor and downtrodden whenever possible.Finally, the code requires knights to uphold the laws of the land and to serve their lord with loyalty and obedience. A knight who breaks the code is subject to punishment, up to and including expulsion from the order.

The Role of the Order in Pendor's History

Throughout Pendor's history, the order of Pendor's Best Knights has played a crucial role in defending the realm and upholding the ideals of chivalry. They have fought against countless enemies, from bandits and raiders to foreign invaders and dark wizards.But the order's influence extends beyond just military matters. They have also been instrumental in shaping Pendor's political and social landscape, thanks to their close ties to the nobility and their reputation for honor and bravery.In times of crisis, the knights of the order have always been there to lend their support, whether it be through military aid or diplomatic negotiations. Their influence is felt throughout the land, and they are respected and admired by all who know of their deeds.

The Allies and Enemies of the Order

As with any powerful organization, the order of Pendor's Best Knights has made both allies and enemies over the years. Their closest allies are typically other noble houses and knights who share their values and ideals.Their enemies, on the other hand, are often those who seek to undermine the order's power or who have interests that conflict with those of the order. These enemies may include bandits and raiders, foreign invaders, corrupt officials, and even other knights who have fallen from grace.Despite these challenges, the order has always managed to maintain its position of power and influence. They are skilled diplomats as well as warriors, and are able to navigate the complex political landscape of Pendor with ease.

Famous Knights of Pendor's Best Knight Order

Over the years, many famous knights have served in Pendor's Best Knight Order. Some of the most notable include Sir Darlion, the order's founder; Sir Roland, who led the order during its greatest battles; and Sir Galahad, who was said to be the greatest knight who ever lived.Other famous knights include Sir Lancelot, Sir Gawain, and Sir Percival, all of whom were members of the Knights of the Round Table. These knights are remembered to this day for their bravery, honor, and chivalry.

The Legacy of the Order in Pendor's Future

As Pendor moves into the future, the legacy of the order of Pendor's Best Knights will continue to influence the realm. Their ideals of honor, loyalty, and bravery will serve as a model for future generations of knights, and their reputation for excellence will ensure that they remain a powerful force in the land.The order will continue to face challenges and enemies, but as long as there are brave men and women willing to stand up for what is right, the order will endure. And as long as the order endures, so too will Pendor itself, a land of magic and wonder, ruled by knights and lords, and protected by the best warriors in the land.

The Best Knight Order in Prophesy of Pendor

Point of View

As an AI language model, I do not have a personal point of view. However, based on the analysis of various sources, the best knight order in Prophesy of Pendor is believed to be the Order of the Griffon.

Pros and Cons

Like any other faction or order in the game, the Order of the Griffon has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.Pros:
  1. Their knights have high stats, making them formidable opponents on the battlefield.
  2. Their equipment is some of the best in the game, further enhancing their combat capabilities.
  3. The Order of the Griffon has a good reputation, making it easier to recruit lords and troops to their cause.
  4. They have access to unique units, such as the Griffon Knight, which can only be obtained by joining their order.
  1. Joining the Order of the Griffon requires a significant investment of time, money, and resources.
  2. Their knights are expensive to maintain, requiring a steady flow of income to keep them well-equipped and paid.
  3. The Order of the Griffon has a strict code of conduct, which may limit the player's actions and choices.
  4. They have enemies, such as the Snake Cult and the Heretics, who will attack them on sight.

Table Comparison

Order Name Strengths Weaknesses
Order of the Griffon High stats, good equipment, good reputation, unique units Requires investment, expensive upkeep, strict code of conduct, enemies
Order of the Dawn Good cavalry, access to unique units, good relations with Noldor Limited infantry, limited ranged units, difficult to join
Sarleon Knights Heavy cavalry, good equipment, good relations with Sarleon Expensive upkeep, limited unit variety, low morale
Fierdsvain Huscarls Strong infantry, good equipment, good relations with Fierdsvain Limited cavalry, limited ranged units, low mobility
Ravenstern Knights Good archers, good cavalry, good relations with Ravenstern Limited infantry, expensive equipment, low morale

In conclusion, the Order of the Griffon is considered by many to be the best knight order in Prophesy of Pendor. However, each order has its own strengths and weaknesses, and players should consider their playstyle and goals before deciding which one to join.

The Prophesy of Pendor Best Knight Order – A Tale of Glory and Honor

Welcome to the world of Prophesy of Pendor, a land of chivalry, warfare, and political intrigue. As you venture through the realm, you will encounter various factions, each with their unique goals and ambitions. However, one faction stands out from the rest, the Knight Order of the Prophesy of Pendor.

The Knight Order is renowned throughout the land for their prowess in combat and their unwavering loyalty to their cause. They are an elite group of warriors, handpicked for their exceptional skills on the battlefield and their unwavering devotion to the code of chivalry.

The Knight Order is a chivalric order that was founded during the early days of the Prophesy of Pendor. The order was created to protect the realm from the constant threats of invasion and to uphold the values of chivalry and honor. The Knights were chosen based on their bravery, skill, and their commitment to upholding the tenets of chivalry.

The Knight Order is led by a Grandmaster who is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the order. The Grandmaster is also responsible for ensuring that the Knights uphold the values of chivalry and honor in all their actions. The Grandmaster is chosen based on their exceptional leadership skills and their unwavering commitment to the principles of the order.

The Knight Order is divided into several chapters, each with its unique characteristics and traditions. The different chapters of the order are known for their unique fighting styles and their specialized training. The chapters are also known for their distinctive armor and heraldry, which reflect their individual identities.

The Knights of the Prophesy of Pendor are trained to fight with a variety of weapons, including swords, lances, and bows. They are also skilled in hand-to-hand combat, making them some of the deadliest warriors in the land. The Knights are trained to fight both on horseback and on foot, making them a versatile force on the battlefield.

One of the most impressive aspects of the Knight Order is their unwavering commitment to the values of chivalry and honor. The Knights strive to uphold these values in everything they do, from the way they treat their enemies to the way they interact with their fellow Knights. The code of chivalry is central to the Knight Order's identity, and they will go to great lengths to ensure that it is upheld at all times.

The Knight Order has played a crucial role in the history of the Prophesy of Pendor. They have fought in countless battles, defending the realm from invaders and upholding the values of chivalry and honor. The Knights have also played a vital role in the political landscape of the realm, using their influence and power to shape the future of the land.

In conclusion, the Knight Order of the Prophesy of Pendor is a shining example of chivalry, honor, and bravery. They are a group of elite warriors who have dedicated their lives to upholding the values of chivalry and defending the realm from its enemies. Their commitment to the code of chivalry is unwavering, and they will stop at nothing to ensure that it is upheld at all times. We hope this article has given you a greater appreciation for the Knight Order and their role in the Prophesy of Pendor.

Thank you for reading, and we hope to see you again soon!

People Also Ask About Prophesy of Pendor Best Knight Order

What is Prophesy of Pendor?

Prophesy of Pendor is a popular modification for the game Mount & Blade: Warband. It introduces a brand new world, factions, and gameplay mechanics that are not present in the vanilla game.

What are Knight Orders in Prophesy of Pendor?

Knight Orders are special factions that are present in Prophesy of Pendor. These orders are made up of elite knights who have dedicated their lives to a specific cause or belief.

What is the Best Knight Order in Prophesy of Pendor?

There is no one best Knight Order in Prophesy of Pendor, as each order has its own strengths and weaknesses. However, some of the most popular and powerful orders include:

  1. The Order of the Griffon - known for their fierce combat skills and loyalty to the Empire.
  2. The Silvermist Rangers - a group of skilled archers and scouts who are experts at guerrilla warfare.
  3. The Ebony Gauntlet - an order of heavily armored knights who are known for their defensive capabilities.
  4. The Dawn - a group of knights who worship the sun and are able to call upon its power in battle.

How do I join a Knight Order in Prophesy of Pendor?

To join a Knight Order in Prophesy of Pendor, you must first meet the requirements for that order (which can vary depending on the order). Once you meet the requirements, you can talk to a member of the order and ask to join. If they accept, you will become a member of that order and gain access to their unique equipment and abilities.

Can I join multiple Knight Orders in Prophesy of Pendor?

No, you can only join one Knight Order at a time in Prophesy of Pendor. However, you can leave your current order and join a different one if you wish.