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Unleash the Power of Fire Emblem Fates Best Great Lord: Unraveling Their Skills and Strategies!

Discover the best Great Lord in Fire Emblem Fates and lead your army to victory! Unlock their unique abilities and dominate the battlefield.

Fire Emblem Fates is a tactical role-playing game that has captured the hearts of many gamers around the world. The game features three different storylines: Birthright, Conquest, and Revelation, each with its unique characters, maps, and challenges. One of the most exciting aspects of Fire Emblem Fates is the ability to promote your units to different classes, each with its set of strengths and weaknesses. Among these classes is the Great Lord class, which is considered one of the best classes in the game.

The Great Lord class is a promoted class that can be accessed by certain characters in Fire Emblem Fates. This class is known for its high mobility, excellent stats growth, and strong weapons. Characters who choose to promote to the Great Lord class gain access to powerful swords, as well as the ability to move across the map quickly, making them ideal for taking on enemies in any terrain. In this article, we will explore why the Great Lord class is considered one of the best classes in Fire Emblem Fates, and which characters are the best suited for this class.

One of the most significant advantages of the Great Lord class is its high mobility. Great Lords have a movement range of eight, which allows them to cover a lot of ground on the battlefield. This makes them ideal for rushing to the aid of allies or for quickly reaching objectives. Moreover, Great Lords also have access to the pair-up mechanic, which allows them to boost the stats of an adjacent ally, making them even more potent in battle.

Another reason why the Great Lord class is highly sought after is because of its fantastic stat growth. Great Lords have excellent HP, strength, and speed growths, making them formidable fighters on the battlefield. Additionally, they also have decent defense and resistance growths, allowing them to take hits from physical and magical attacks. This combination of high mobility and excellent stats makes them a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

Great Lords also have access to some of the best weapons in Fire Emblem Fates. They can use swords such as Siegfried, which has a high critical hit rate, or the Brave Sword, which allows them to attack twice in one turn. Additionally, they can use the legendary weapon Falchion, which is effective against dragon-type enemies, making them ideal for taking on bosses and other powerful foes.

In terms of which characters are best suited for the Great Lord class, there are several options to choose from. The first is Corrin, the main protagonist of Fire Emblem Fates. Corrin has access to all three storylines, which makes them a versatile unit. Moreover, they have excellent stats growth, making them an ideal candidate for the Great Lord class.

Another character who is well-suited for the Great Lord class is Xander, the crown prince of Nohr. Xander has excellent defense growth, making him an ideal tank on the battlefield. He also has access to the Siegfried sword, which makes him a formidable foe on the battlefield.

Other characters who are great candidates for the Great Lord class include Ryoma, the crown prince of Hoshido, and Lucina, a time-traveling warrior from the future. Both these characters have excellent stats growth and access to powerful weapons, making them ideal for the Great Lord class.

In conclusion, the Great Lord class is one of the best classes in Fire Emblem Fates. Its combination of high mobility, excellent stats growth, and powerful weapons make it a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Characters such as Corrin, Xander, Ryoma, and Lucina are ideal candidates for this class, and players should consider promoting their units to the Great Lord class to take advantage of its many benefits.


Fire Emblem Fates is a tactical role-playing game that has been popular amongst gamers all over the world since its release in 2015. The game features a diverse cast of characters, each with their unique abilities and skills. One of the most important aspects of Fire Emblem Fates is choosing the right class for your characters. In this article, we will discuss the best great lord in Fire Emblem Fates.

What is a Great Lord?

A Great Lord is one of the advanced classes in Fire Emblem Fates. It is a promotion of the Lord class and is only available to a few characters in the game. A Great Lord is a versatile class that can use a variety of weapons, including swords, lances, and axes. They also have access to a range of skills that make them formidable on the battlefield.

Xander: The Conqueror

Xander is one of the characters in Fire Emblem Fates who can promote to the Great Lord class. He is a prince of Nohr and the older brother of Corrin. Xander is a natural leader and has a high sense of duty. He is a powerful fighter and has excellent defense and strength. His personal skill, Chivalry, gives him a bonus to his damage dealt and damage reduction when fighting female enemies.


Xander's biggest strength is his incredible defense. He can take hits from almost any enemy in the game and still come out on top. He is also an excellent physical attacker with high strength and skill stats. Xander's Chivalry skill makes him even more potent against female enemies, which is useful in some situations.


Xander's biggest weakness is his low speed. He is slow, which makes him vulnerable to fast enemies who can double attack him. He also has low resistance, which makes him susceptible to magic attacks.

Ryoma: The Peerless Samurai

Ryoma is another character who can promote to the Great Lord class. He is a prince of Hoshido and Corrin's older brother. Ryoma is a master swordsman and has incredible speed and skill. He is an honorable warrior who always puts the needs of his people first. His personal skill, Bushido, gives him a bonus to his critical hit rate and damage dealt when he has full HP.


Ryoma's biggest strength is his incredible speed and skill. He is one of the fastest characters in the game and can double attack almost any enemy. He is also an excellent physical attacker with high strength and defense stats. Ryoma's Bushido skill makes him even more potent when he is at full HP.


Ryoma's biggest weakness is his low resistance. He is vulnerable to magic attacks and can be taken down quickly by mages. He also has low luck, which makes him more susceptible to critical hits.

Lucina: The Warrior Princess

Lucina is a character from Fire Emblem Awakening who makes a guest appearance in Fire Emblem Fates. She is the daughter of Chrom and a skilled warrior in her own right. Lucina can promote to the Great Lord class in Fire Emblem Fates. She is a strong and determined warrior who fights for justice. Her personal skill, Rightful King, gives her a bonus to her damage dealt when she has a weapon that is effective against her enemy.


Lucina's biggest strength is her high skill and speed stats. She is a fast and accurate fighter who can double attack almost any enemy. She also has decent defense and resistance, which makes her a well-rounded fighter. Lucina's Rightful King skill makes her even more potent when she has a weapon that is effective against her enemy.


Lucina's biggest weakness is her low strength. She is not the most potent physical attacker, which can be a problem in some situations. She also has low luck, which makes her more susceptible to critical hits.


Choosing the best Great Lord in Fire Emblem Fates depends on your playstyle and strategy. Xander is an excellent choice if you want a tanky character who can take hits from almost any enemy. Ryoma is a great option if you want a fast and deadly swordsman who can take down enemies quickly. Lucina is a well-rounded fighter who can hold her own in most situations. Ultimately, the choice is up to you, and all three characters are excellent choices for the Great Lord class.

Fire Emblem Fates is a tactical role-playing game that has captured the hearts of gamers worldwide. One of the most exciting aspects of the game is choosing your Great Lord, the ultimate class for your avatar. With three excellent options to choose from, it can be challenging to decide which one is the best fit for your play style. In this article, we'll explore the strengths and weaknesses of each Great Lord and analyze their abilities on different maps.1. A Royal Trio: Choosing Between Xander, Ryoma, and CorrinThe first step in choosing your Great Lord is deciding which kingdom you want to align yourself with. There are two kingdoms in Fire Emblem Fates: Nohr and Hoshido. Each kingdom has its own set of royal siblings, and you must choose which family you want to fight alongside.If you choose Nohr, your Great Lord options are Xander and Corrin. Xander is the eldest brother and has been trained from a young age to be a fierce warrior. Corrin, on the other hand, is the avatar and can choose to align with either kingdom.If you choose Hoshido, your Great Lord options are Ryoma and Corrin. Ryoma is the eldest brother of the Hoshidan royal family and is known for his exceptional swordsmanship.2. The Power of Nohr: Exploring Xander's Strengths as a Great LordXander is a formidable Great Lord who excels in both offense and defense. His personal skill, Chivalry, grants him a significant boost to his damage output when he is paired up with a female ally. This skill pairs well with his high strength and skill stats, making him a powerhouse on the battlefield.In addition to his impressive combat abilities, Xander also has access to several unique weapons. His personal weapon, Siegfried, grants him a significant boost to his defensive stats and allows him to counterattack enemies from a distance. Xander can also wield lances and swords, giving him a wide range of options in battle.One of Xander's weaknesses is his low speed stat, which makes him vulnerable to faster enemies. However, this weakness can be mitigated by pairing him up with a faster ally or equipping him with a speed-boosting accessory.3. Hoshidan Honor: Examining Ryoma's Skills in BattleRyoma is a master swordsman who excels in speed and skill. His personal skill, Bushido, grants him a critical hit bonus when he is at full health. This skill pairs well with his high speed and skill stats, making him a deadly opponent on the battlefield.In addition to his impressive combat abilities, Ryoma also has access to several unique weapons. His personal weapon, Raijinto, grants him a significant boost to his attack power and allows him to counterattack enemies from a distance. Ryoma can also wield bows and naginatas, giving him a wide range of options in battle.One of Ryoma's weaknesses is his low defense stat, which makes him vulnerable to physical attacks. However, this weakness can be mitigated by pairing him up with a tankier ally or equipping him with a defense-boosting accessory.4. The Avatar's Ascension: Unleashing Corrin's Full Potential as a Great LordCorrin is the avatar and can choose to align with either kingdom. As a Great Lord, Corrin has access to both Nohrian and Hoshidan weapons and skills, making them a versatile option for any play style.Corrin's personal skill, Dragon Fang, grants them a chance to deal additional damage based on their strength or magic stat. This skill pairs well with their balanced stats, making them a reliable option in both offense and defense.In addition to their balanced combat abilities, Corrin also has access to several unique weapons. Their personal weapon, Yato, grants them a significant boost to their attack power and can evolve into different forms depending on the player's choices. Corrin can also wield swords, tomes, and dragonstones, giving them a wide range of options in battle.One of Corrin's weaknesses is their low defense stat, which makes them vulnerable to physical attacks. However, this weakness can be mitigated by pairing them up with a tankier ally or equipping them with a defense-boosting accessory.5. Stat Comparisons: Analyzing the Differences Between the Three Great LordsTo better understand the strengths and weaknesses of each Great Lord, let's compare their stats:Xander:- Strength: 28- Magic: 2- Skill: 29- Speed: 21- Luck: 19- Defense: 28- Resistance: 13Ryoma:- Strength: 25- Magic: 0- Skill: 32- Speed: 30- Luck: 17- Defense: 20- Resistance: 18Corrin:- Strength: 27- Magic: 26- Skill: 26- Speed: 25- Luck: 24- Defense: 20- Resistance: 22As we can see, Xander has the highest strength and defense stats, making him a formidable tank on the battlefield. Ryoma has the highest speed and skill stats, making him a deadly swordsman. Corrin has balanced stats, making them a reliable option in both offense and defense.6. The Art of Pairing Up: Which Great Lord Makes the Best Partner?Pairing up your Great Lord with another unit can provide significant benefits on the battlefield. Let's explore which Great Lord makes the best partner:Xander pairs well with a fast ally who can cover his weaknesses in speed. A unit with high speed and mobility, such as a Falcon Knight or a Wyvern Lord, can provide Xander with support and cover his weaknesses.Ryoma pairs well with a tanky ally who can cover his weaknesses in defense. A unit with high defense and resistance, such as a General or a Great Knight, can provide Ryoma with support and cover his weaknesses.Corrin pairs well with any ally, thanks to their balanced stats and versatile weapon options. However, pairing Corrin with a healer or a support unit can provide significant benefits on the battlefield.7. Mastering the Weapon Triangle: Understanding the Best Weapon Choices for Each Great LordThe weapon triangle is a critical aspect of Fire Emblem Fates. Let's explore which weapons are the best choices for each Great Lord:Xander excels with lances and swords. Lances are effective against axes, while swords are effective against lances. This gives Xander an advantage over two-thirds of the weapon triangle.Ryoma excels with swords and naginatas. Swords are effective against axes, while naginatas are effective against lances. This gives Ryoma an advantage over two-thirds of the weapon triangle.Corrin excels with swords, tomes, and dragonstones. Swords are effective against axes, tomes are effective against other magic users, and dragonstones are effective against beasts and dragons. This gives Corrin a wide range of options in battle.8. Map Strategies: How to Best Utilize Each Great Lord's Abilities on Different MapsDifferent maps require different strategies. Let's explore how to best utilize each Great Lord's abilities on different maps:On open maps with lots of enemies, Xander shines as a tank who can hold the line and take on multiple enemies at once. Pairing him up with a fast ally who can provide support and cover his weaknesses is essential.On maps with lots of narrow corridors, Ryoma shines as a speedy swordsman who can take out enemies quickly. Pairing him up with a tanky ally who can cover his weaknesses in defense is essential.On maps with varied terrain and enemy types, Corrin shines as a versatile unit who can adapt to any situation. Pairing them up with a healer or a support unit is essential.9. The Best of Both Worlds: Advantages of Choosing the Avatar as Your Great LordChoosing the avatar as your Great Lord provides significant advantages. Let's explore some of these advantages:As the avatar, Corrin has access to both Nohrian and Hoshidan weapons and skills, making them a versatile option for any play style.Choosing the avatar allows you to create a custom unit that fits your play style and preferences.The avatar can support any unit on the battlefield, providing significant benefits to your team.10. Epic Battles: Reliving Memorable Moments with Your Favorite Great LordFire Emblem Fates is full of memorable moments, and your Great Lord plays a significant role in many of them. Let's relive some of the most epic battles with our favorite Great Lords:Xander's showdown with Garon is one of the most epic battles in the game. Xander must face off against his own father, who has been possessed by an evil force. This battle tests Xander's loyalty to his kingdom and his family.Ryoma's battle with Takumi is another memorable moment in Fire Emblem Fates. Takumi, who has been corrupted by an evil force, challenges Ryoma to a duel. This battle tests Ryoma's honor and his loyalty to his family.Corrin's battle with Anankos is the ultimate showdown in Fire Emblem Fates. Anankos, the main antagonist of the game, has been manipulating events from behind the scenes. Corrin must lead their army into battle against this powerful foe and save their kingdom from destruction.In conclusion, choosing your Great Lord in Fire Emblem Fates is a significant decision that can greatly impact your gameplay experience. Each Great Lord has their strengths and weaknesses, and understanding them is essential to making the most of your units on the battlefield. Whether you choose Xander, Ryoma, or Corrin, you're sure to have an epic adventure full of memorable battles and challenging foes.

Fire Emblem Fates Best Great Lord: A Personal Point of View


Fire Emblem Fates is one of the most popular games in the Fire Emblem series, and it offers a wide range of classes and characters to choose from. Among them, the Great Lord class stands out as one of the most versatile and powerful classes in the game. In this article, I will share my personal point of view about the best Great Lord in Fire Emblem Fates, and discuss the pros and cons of this class.

Best Great Lord in Fire Emblem Fates

In my opinion, the best Great Lord in Fire Emblem Fates is Corrin. Corrin is the main character of the game, and can be customized to fit the player's preferences. Corrin has access to the Yato sword, which is one of the most powerful weapons in the game. Additionally, Corrin can use Dragon Fang, which deals massive damage to enemies.

Pros of Corrin as a Great Lord

- Access to the Yato sword, which is a powerful weapon that can be upgraded throughout the game.- Can use Dragon Fang, which deals massive damage to enemies.- Can be customized to fit the player's preferences, allowing for a unique gameplay experience.- Has high growth rates, making Corrin a powerful unit in the long run.

Cons of Corrin as a Great Lord

- Requires a lot of investment to become powerful, as Corrin needs to level up and upgrade the Yato sword.- Can be difficult to obtain, as Corrin is only available through certain routes and choices in the game.- May not be suitable for players who prefer a more straightforward playstyle, as Corrin requires some strategy and planning to use effectively.

Table Comparison

Great Lord Pros Cons
Corrin - Access to the Yato sword, which is a powerful weapon that can be upgraded throughout the game.
- Can use Dragon Fang, which deals massive damage to enemies.
- Can be customized to fit the player's preferences, allowing for a unique gameplay experience.
- Has high growth rates, making Corrin a powerful unit in the long run.
- Requires a lot of investment to become powerful, as Corrin needs to level up and upgrade the Yato sword.
- Can be difficult to obtain, as Corrin is only available through certain routes and choices in the game.
- May not be suitable for players who prefer a more straightforward playstyle, as Corrin requires some strategy and planning to use effectively.
Ryoma - Has high strength and speed, making Ryoma a powerful unit in combat.
- Can use Raijinto, a powerful weapon that deals bonus damage to mounted units.
- Has access to the Astra skill, which allows Ryoma to attack multiple times in a single turn.
- Has low defense and resistance, making Ryoma vulnerable to magic attacks.
- Requires specific supports and classes to reach his full potential.
- Can be difficult to obtain, as Ryoma is only available on certain routes and at specific points in the game.
Xander - Has high defense and resistance, making Xander a durable unit in combat.
- Can use Siegfried, a powerful weapon that grants Xander bonus damage and defense.
- Has access to the Swordbreaker skill, which allows Xander to counterattack sword-wielding enemies with ease.
- Has low speed and movement, making Xander vulnerable to fast and mobile enemies.
- Requires specific supports and classes to reach his full potential.
- Can be difficult to obtain, as Xander is only available on certain routes and at specific points in the game.


In conclusion, the Great Lord class is one of the most versatile and powerful classes in Fire Emblem Fates. Each character has their own strengths and weaknesses, and choosing the best Great Lord depends on the player's preferences and playstyle. Corrin, Ryoma, and Xander are all great options for a Great Lord, and each offers unique gameplay experiences.

Fire Emblem Fates Best Great Lord: A Comprehensive Guide

Greetings, fellow Fire Emblem enthusiasts! We hope that you have enjoyed our comprehensive guide on the best great lord in Fire Emblem Fates. As we come to a close, we want to summarize some of the key points we've discussed throughout this article.

Firstly, we've outlined the different classes and paths that lead to the great lord class. From Hoshido's Master of Arms to Nohr's Paladin, each path has its unique strengths and weaknesses. It's important to consider your playstyle, the character's growth rates, and their innate abilities when selecting a class path.

Once you've reached the great lord class, it's important to consider which character makes the best use of it. Not all characters are created equal, and some may perform better in other classes. We've highlighted some of the top contenders for the title of the best great lord, including Ryoma, Xander, and Corrin.

Furthermore, we've delved into the intricacies of skill sets and weapon choices. Great lords have access to a wide range of skills and weapons, and it's important to choose the right ones to maximize their potential. For example, Astra is a powerful skill that can deal massive damage, while the Siegfried sword is an excellent choice for Xander due to its high might and critical hit rate.

Additionally, we've discussed the importance of pairing up your great lord with the right partner. Support relationships can boost stats, grant new skills, and even unlock unique conversations. We've suggested some ideal pairings for the best great lords, such as Ryoma and Kagero or Xander and Camilla.

We've also touched on the role of the great lord in battle. Great lords are versatile units that can excel in both offense and defense. They can also provide support to their allies through healing skills or rallying abilities. It's important to consider the battlefield and your team composition when deploying your great lord.

Lastly, we've highlighted some of the best strategies for leveling up your great lord. From grinding in skirmishes to utilizing battle accolades, there are many ways to boost your character's stats and growth rates. We've also provided some tips for efficiently using your great lord in battle, such as pairing them up with a unit that has a complementary skill set.

In conclusion, the best great lord in Fire Emblem Fates ultimately depends on your playstyle and preferences. However, by considering the factors we've outlined in this article, you can make an informed decision and maximize your character's potential. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming!

People Also Ask About Fire Emblem Fates Best Great Lord

What is a Great Lord in Fire Emblem Fates?

A Great Lord is an advanced class in Fire Emblem Fates that can be obtained by promoting certain characters, such as Corrin, Ryoma, or Xander. It is a powerful class that specializes in swords, lances, and axes, and has high strength, skill, and speed stats.

Who is the best Great Lord in Fire Emblem Fates?

There are several characters who can become Great Lords in Fire Emblem Fates, but some of the most popular choices among fans are:

  1. Corrin (Male or Female): Corrin is the main character of the game, and can be customized to fit any playstyle. As a Great Lord, Corrin gains access to the powerful Yato sword, which can evolve into different forms depending on the player's choices.
  2. Ryoma: Ryoma is the prince of Hoshido and one of the strongest characters in the game. As a Great Lord, he can wield his legendary sword Raijinto, which has high critical hit and dodge rates.
  3. Xander: Xander is the prince of Nohr and a skilled warrior. As a Great Lord, he gains access to the Siegfried sword, which grants him high defense and resistance stats.

How do I promote a character to Great Lord in Fire Emblem Fates?

To promote a character to Great Lord in Fire Emblem Fates, you need to reach level 20 with that character and have a Master Seal item in your inventory. Use the Master Seal on the character to promote them to their advanced class, which in this case is Great Lord.

What skills should I give to my Great Lord in Fire Emblem Fates?

There are many skills that can be useful for a Great Lord in Fire Emblem Fates, depending on your playstyle and the character you choose. Some popular choices include:

  • Aether: A powerful offensive skill that allows the user to attack twice and recover HP based on the damage dealt.
  • Sol: Another offensive skill that allows the user to recover HP based on the damage dealt.
  • Duelist's Blow: A defensive skill that grants the user a higher chance of dodging an enemy attack when initiating combat.
  • Rend Heaven: An offensive skill that deals extra damage based on the enemy's strength or magic stat.