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Master the Art of Magic: Unleash the Ultimate Power with the Best Mage Build for Divinity Original Sin

Looking for the best mage build in Divinity Original Sin? Our guide has everything you need to create a powerful spellcaster and dominate your enemies.

Divinity Original Sin is a game that requires strategic thinking and tactical gameplay. One of the most challenging aspects of the game is building a powerful mage character. A mage can be an essential asset to your team, providing powerful spells and abilities that can turn the tide of any battle. In this article, we will be discussing the best mage build in Divinity Original Sin, providing you with all the information you need to create a formidable mage character that can dominate the battlefield.

The first thing you need to consider when building a mage character is the race. The best race for a mage is the Elf, as they have a natural affinity for magic and receive a bonus to Intelligence and Speed. This bonus makes them ideal for casting spells quickly and dealing massive damage. Additionally, they have access to the racial skill, Flesh Sacrifice, which increases their damage output by 10% but decreases their maximum health by 10%. This ability is perfect for mages who want to deal as much damage as possible.

Next, you need to select your starting class. The best starting class for a mage is the Enchanter. This class focuses on crowd control and debuffs, allowing you to manipulate the battlefield and hinder your enemies. The Enchanter also has access to a wide range of spells, including Charm, Fear, and Slow. These spells can be used to control your enemies' movements and prevent them from attacking your team.

Once you have selected your race and starting class, it's time to start building your character's attributes. The most important attribute for a mage is Intelligence, as it increases your spell damage and critical chance. You should aim to have at least 40 Intelligence by level 10, as this will allow you to cast high-level spells. Additionally, you should invest points in Memory, as this will increase your spell slots and allow you to cast more spells in a battle.

When it comes to abilities, there are several that are essential for a mage character. The most important ability is Aerotheurge, as this school of magic focuses on lightning spells and teleportation. You should aim to have at least level 2 in Aerotheurge by level 10, as this will give you access to powerful spells like Teleportation and Chain Lightning. Additionally, you should invest points in Pyrokinetic, as this school of magic focuses on fire spells and has some of the most damaging spells in the game.

Another important ability for a mage character is Summoning. Summoning allows you to summon creatures to fight alongside you, providing you with additional damage and defense. You should aim to have at least level 2 in Summoning by level 10, as this will give you access to powerful summons like the Fire Elemental and the Incarnate. Additionally, you should invest points in Hydrosophist, as this school of magic focuses on water spells and healing.

When it comes to talents, there are several that are essential for a mage character. The most important talent is Glass Cannon, as this talent increases your AP but decreases your maximum health. This talent is perfect for mages who want to cast as many spells as possible in a battle. Additionally, you should consider taking Far Out Man, as this talent increases the range of your spells. This talent is perfect for mages who want to stay out of harm's way while dealing massive damage.

Finally, you need to consider your equipment. The best equipment for a mage character is gear that provides bonuses to Intelligence, Memory, and Initiative. You should also look for gear that provides bonuses to Aerotheurge, Pyrokinetic, Summoning, and Hydrosophist. Additionally, you should consider using a wand and shield, as this will provide you with additional defense and allow you to cast spells with your wand.

In conclusion, building a powerful mage character in Divinity Original Sin requires careful planning and strategic thinking. By selecting the right race, starting class, attributes, abilities, talents, and equipment, you can create a mage character that can dominate the battlefield. Remember to focus on Intelligence, Aerotheurge, Pyrokinetic, Summoning, and Hydrosophist, and to use spells that control the battlefield and hinder your enemies. With these tips, you can create the best mage build in Divinity Original Sin and become a master of magic.


Divinity Original Sin is a role-playing video game that is developed and published by Larian Studios. It is one of the most popular RPGs in the gaming world due to its excellent gameplay, immersive storyline, and engaging characters. The game offers players the possibility to create their own character and choose their class. One of the most popular classes in Divinity Original Sin is the mage. In this article, we will explore the best mage build in Divinity Original Sin.

The Importance of Attributes

Attributes are vital in Divinity Original Sin because they determine how effective your character will be in combat. As a mage, you should focus on Intelligence as it increases your spell damage and critical hit chance. Memory is also essential as it determines how many spells you can memorize. Finally, Wits increases your initiative and critical hit chance.

Choosing the Right Skills

Divinity Original Sin offers a variety of skills that mages can use. You should choose skills that complement your playstyle and fit your character's attributes. Some of the most useful mage skills include Aerotheurge, Pyrokinetic, Hydrosophist, and Geomancer. Aerotheurge provides you with teleportation and crowd control abilities, Pyrokinetic gives you access to powerful fire spells, Hydrosophist allows you to heal and freeze enemies, while Geomancer offers earth-based spells and defensive abilities.

Weapon and Armor Choices

Mages in Divinity Original Sin have the option to use wands or staves. Wands offer higher critical hit chance and are better suited for single-target damage, while staves provide higher damage and are more suited for AoE damage. As for armor, mages should focus on robes that increase Intelligence and offer magical armor bonuses.

Ability Points Allocation

Ability points are essential as they allow you to unlock new skills and increase the effectiveness of your existing skills. As a mage, you should allocate most of your ability points in Intelligence and Memory. You should also consider investing in Warfare to increase your physical damage output and Scoundrel for mobility and critical hit bonuses.

Combining Spells

One of the most effective strategies in Divinity Original Sin is combining spells. Mages can use their spells to create various elemental effects that can significantly damage enemies or provide crowd control abilities. For example, combining water and electricity spells creates a stun effect, while combining fire and poison spells creates an explosion that deals massive damage.

Choosing Talents

Talents are passive abilities that provide your character with various bonuses. Some of the best talents for mages include Elemental Affinity, Glass Cannon, Far Out Man, and Executioner. Elemental Affinity reduces the cost of spells when standing on surfaces of the corresponding element. Glass Cannon increases your damage output but reduces your maximum health. Far Out Man increases the range of your spells, while Executioner provides you with an additional action point when killing an enemy.

Party Composition

Divinity Original Sin is a co-op game that allows players to form a party of up to four characters. It is essential to have a balanced party composition to succeed in the game. As a mage, you should consider having a tank and a rogue to provide you with physical damage support and crowd control abilities. A support character that can heal and buff your party members is also vital.

Environmental Interactions

Divinity Original Sin features an immersive world filled with interactive elements. Mages can use their spells to interact with the environment and gain a significant advantage in combat. For example, using water spells to create puddles can be frozen to create slippery surfaces that can trip enemies. Using fire spells to ignite oil barrels can create massive explosions that can damage multiple enemies.

Managing Action Points

Action points are essential in Divinity Original Sin as they determine how many actions your character can take during their turn. As a mage, you should manage your action points carefully as most spells require multiple action points to cast. You should also consider investing in skills that reduce the cost of spells or provide additional action points.


The mage class in Divinity Original Sin is one of the most versatile and powerful classes in the game. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you can create a mage build that is effective in combat and complements your playstyle. Remember to focus on Intelligence and Memory, choose the right skills and talents, and manage your action points carefully to succeed in the game.

Introduction to the Best Mage Build in Divinity Original Sin: What You Need to Know

Divinity Original Sin is a game that offers a lot of customization options for your characters. One of the most versatile and fun classes to play is the mage. Mages in Divinity Original Sin are powerful spellcasters who can deal massive amounts of damage to their enemies. They can also support their party members with buffs and healing spells.In this article, we will be discussing the best mage build in Divinity Original Sin. We will cover everything from choosing the right skills to equipment, teamwork, and advanced techniques. By the end of this article, you will have all the knowledge you need to become the ultimate mage in Divinity Original Sin.

Choosing the Right Skills for Your Mage Build: A Guide to Elemental Magic

The first step in creating the best mage build in Divinity Original Sin is choosing the right skills. Mages in this game have access to a wide variety of elemental spells, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Here is a breakdown of the different types of elemental magic and what they are good for:1. Fire Magic: Fire magic is great for dealing damage over time. It can also set enemies on fire, which can prevent them from moving or attacking for a few turns.2. Water Magic: Water magic is primarily used for healing spells. It can also create surfaces that slow down enemies.3. Air Magic: Air magic is great for crowd control. It can stun enemies, knock them down, or even teleport them to another location.4. Earth Magic: Earth magic is great for dealing massive amounts of damage in a single hit. It can also create surfaces that slow down enemies.When choosing your mage's skills, it's important to focus on one or two types of elemental magic. This will allow you to specialize in those areas and become more powerful. It's also a good idea to have at least one healing spell in your arsenal to support your party members.

Mastering the Art of Spellcasting: Tips for Effective Mage Combat

Once you have chosen your mage's skills, it's time to learn how to use them effectively in combat. Here are some tips for mastering the art of spellcasting:1. Positioning is key: Try to position your mage so that they can hit as many enemies as possible with their spells. This will maximize their damage output.2. Use combos: Many spells in Divinity Original Sin can be combined to create powerful combos. For example, using a fire spell on an enemy who is wet will create steam, which can then be electrified with an air spell.3. Time your spells: Some spells take longer to cast than others. It's important to time your spells correctly so that you don't waste a turn casting a spell that won't hit its target.4. Beware of friendly fire: Many spells in Divinity Original Sin have area of effect damage. It's important to be aware of where your party members are positioned so that you don't accidentally hit them with your spells.

Equipment and Gear for Your Mage Build: Enhancing Your Spellcasting Abilities

In addition to choosing the right skills and mastering spellcasting, it's also important to equip your mage with the right gear. Here are some things to consider when choosing equipment for your mage:1. Staffs: Staffs are the primary weapon for mages in Divinity Original Sin. They can increase your mage's damage output and give them access to special abilities.2. Armor: Mages in Divinity Original Sin are not known for their durability. It's important to choose armor that will protect your mage without hindering their spellcasting abilities.3. Accessories: Accessories can provide your mage with additional bonuses, such as increased critical chance or elemental resistance.4. Runes: Runes can be inserted into equipment to enhance their abilities. For example, a fire rune can increase the damage of fire spells cast by your mage.

Crafting Runes and Enhancing Your Spells: Maximizing Your Mage's Potential

Crafting runes is an important part of maximizing your mage's potential in Divinity Original Sin. Here are some tips for crafting and enhancing your spells:1. Experiment with different combinations: There are many different types of runes in Divinity Original Sin. It's important to experiment with different combinations to find the ones that work best for your mage.2. Focus on your mage's strengths: Choose runes that enhance your mage's strengths. For example, if you have chosen to specialize in fire magic, choose runes that increase fire damage.3. Use crafting stations: Crafting stations can be found throughout the game and allow you to craft runes and other items. Make sure to use them whenever you can.

Teamwork and Synergy: How to Build a Strong Party with Your Mage

In Divinity Original Sin, teamwork and synergy are essential to success. Here are some tips for building a strong party with your mage:1. Have a variety of roles: Make sure your party has a mix of damage dealers, healers, and tanks. This will allow you to handle any situation that comes your way.2. Coordinate your attacks: Coordinate your attacks with your party members to create powerful combos. For example, using a fire spell on an enemy who is wet can create steam, which can then be electrified with an air spell.3. Protect your mage: Mages in Divinity Original Sin are not known for their durability. Make sure to have party members who can protect your mage from enemy attacks.

Dealing with Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities: Strategies for Surviving as a Mage

Mages in Divinity Original Sin have some weaknesses that need to be addressed. Here are some strategies for surviving as a mage:1. Stay out of melee range: Mages in Divinity Original Sin are vulnerable to melee attacks. Try to position your mage so that they are not within melee range of enemies.2. Use crowd control spells: Crowd control spells like stun or freeze can prevent enemies from attacking your mage.3. Use healing spells: Mages in Divinity Original Sin are not known for their durability. Make sure to have at least one healing spell in your mage's arsenal.

Questing and Exploration: How to Make the Most of Your Mage in Divinity Original Sin

Questing and exploration are important parts of Divinity Original Sin. Here are some tips for making the most of your mage in these areas:1. Use your spells to explore: Spells like teleport or rain can be used to explore areas that are otherwise inaccessible.2. Talk to NPCs: Talking to NPCs can reveal quests or provide valuable information.3. Be prepared for anything: Always make sure your mage is ready for any situation. This means having a variety of spells and being prepared to switch between them as needed.

Advanced Techniques for the Best Mage Build: Combining Skills and Abilities

Once you have mastered the basics of mage combat, it's time to start experimenting with advanced techniques. Here are some tips for combining skills and abilities:1. Use environmental effects: Environmental effects like oil or fire can be used to create powerful combos with your spells.2. Combine different types of magic: Combining different types of magic can create unexpected and powerful results.3. Use summons: Summons can distract enemies and provide additional damage or support for your party.

Conclusion: Becoming the Ultimate Mage in Divinity Original Sin

In conclusion, the best mage build in Divinity Original Sin requires careful planning and strategy. By choosing the right skills, mastering spellcasting, and equipping your mage with the right gear, you can become a powerful force on the battlefield. Remember to work with your party members, protect your mage, and be prepared for anything. With these tips and techniques, you can become the ultimate mage in Divinity Original Sin.

Divinity Original Sin Best Mage Build: A Point of View


Divinity Original Sin is a role-playing game that features a variety of character classes, including mages. Mages are powerful spellcasters who can deal massive damage to enemies and support their allies with various spells. In this article, we will discuss the best mage build in Divinity Original Sin, its pros and cons, and a comparison table of the different mage builds.

Best Mage Build

The best mage build in Divinity Original Sin is a combination of the Aerotheurge and Pyrokinetic skills. This build focuses on dealing elemental damage to enemies and stunning them with electric shocks. Here are the skills you should focus on:1. Aerotheurge: This skill tree allows you to control air and electricity. You can stun enemies with electric shocks and teleport around the battlefield. The most important skills to invest in are Teleportation, Nether Swap, and Chain Lightning.2. Pyrokinetic: This skill tree focuses on fire damage. You can burn enemies, create explosions, and set the battlefield on fire. The most important skills to invest in are Fireball, Flaming Crescendo, and Haste.

Pros and Cons of the Best Mage Build

Pros:- High damage output: This build can deal massive damage to enemies with its elemental spells.- Crowd control: You can stun enemies and teleport around the battlefield to gain an advantage.- Versatility: You have access to both air and fire spells, allowing you to deal with different types of enemies.Cons:- Low defense: Mages are squishy and can die quickly if not protected.- Limited healing: This build doesn't have many healing spells, so you'll have to rely on potions or other party members for healing.- Vulnerable to elemental resistance: Some enemies may have high resistance to air or fire damage, making this build less effective.

Comparison Table

Here's a comparison table of the different mage builds in Divinity Original Sin:
Mage Build Skills Pros Cons
Aerotheurge Control air and electricity Stun enemies, teleportation Vulnerable to earth-based attacks
Hydrosophist Control water and ice Healing spells, freeze enemies Low damage output
Pyrokinetic Fire spells High damage output, set enemies on fire Vulnerable to water-based attacks
Geomancer Control earth and poison Create obstacles, poison enemies Low damage output


The best mage build in Divinity Original Sin is a combination of Aerotheurge and Pyrokinetic skills. This build can deal massive damage to enemies and stun them with electric shocks. However, it's important to note that mages are vulnerable to attacks and lack healing spells, so be sure to protect them and have a backup plan for healing.

Conclusion: The Best Mage Build for Divinity Original Sin

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on the best mage build for Divinity Original Sin. We hope that you found it informative and helpful in creating your perfect character. As you may have noticed, there are a lot of options when it comes to building a mage in this game. However, with some careful planning and experimentation, you can create a powerful and versatile character that can handle any situation.

If you're new to the game, it's important to understand the basics of mage builds in Divinity Original Sin. Mages are typically focused on dealing damage with spells and have access to a wide range of elemental abilities. They also tend to have lower health and armor than other classes, making them vulnerable to physical attacks. However, by using their spells strategically and taking advantage of their mobility, mages can be very effective in combat.

One of the key decisions you'll need to make when building a mage is what type of spells to focus on. There are several schools of magic in the game, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some mages prefer to specialize in one school, while others like to mix and match to create a more well-rounded character.

Another important consideration when building a mage is which attributes to focus on. Intelligence is the most important attribute for mages, as it increases the damage of their spells. However, you'll also need to invest in other attributes like constitution and speed to ensure that your mage can survive in combat.

If you're looking for a powerful and versatile mage build, we recommend focusing on a combination of fire and air spells. This will allow you to deal both direct damage and crowd control effects, making you a valuable asset in any fight. Here's an example of a build that you could use:

Race: Elf

Attributes: Intelligence 10, Constitution 6, Speed 5, Perception 4

Abilities: Aerotheurge 3, Pyrokinetic 3, Geomancer 1, Witchcraft 2

Talents: Far Out Man, Elemental Affinity, Glass Cannon

With this build, you'll have access to a wide range of spells that can deal damage and control the battlefield. Your Aerotheurge spells will allow you to stun and teleport enemies, while your Pyrokinetic spells will deal direct damage and set enemies on fire. Your Witchcraft spells will provide additional crowd control effects like charm and fear, while your Geomancer spells will give you some defensive options like creating poison surfaces.

Of course, this is just one example of a mage build that you could use in Divinity Original Sin. There are many other viable options out there, and we encourage you to experiment with different builds to find the one that works best for your playstyle. Whether you prefer a more offensive or defensive approach, there's a mage build out there that can meet your needs.

Before we wrap up, we want to remind you that the key to success in Divinity Original Sin is to be flexible and adaptable. No matter how powerful your character is, there will always be situations where you need to change tactics or switch up your strategy. By keeping an open mind and being willing to try new things, you'll be well on your way to becoming a master of this game.

So, there you have it - our guide to the best mage build for Divinity Original Sin. We hope that you found it helpful, and we wish you the best of luck in your adventures through Rivellon!

People Also Ask About Divinity Original Sin Best Mage Build

What kind of mage builds are there in Divinity Original Sin?

There are several types of mage builds in Divinity Original Sin, including:

  • Elemental Mage
  • Necromancer
  • Support Mage
  • Hybrid Mage

What is the best race for a mage in Divinity Original Sin?

The best race for a mage in Divinity Original Sin is the Elf. They have a natural affinity for elemental magic and gain an extra point in Intelligence.

What attributes should I focus on for a mage build?

For a mage build, you should focus on Intelligence and Constitution as your primary attributes. Intelligence will increase your spell damage and accuracy, while Constitution will increase your health and survivability.

What skills should I choose for a mage build?

For a mage build, you should choose skills that complement your chosen mage type. For example, an Elemental Mage should focus on skills like Pyrokinetic and Aerotheurge, while a Necromancer should focus on skills like Necromancy and Summoning.

What equipment should I use for a mage build?

For a mage build, you should prioritize equipment that provides bonuses to Intelligence, Constitution, and Critical Chance. You should also look for equipment that provides bonuses to your chosen mage type's skills.

What are some good mage builds for solo play?

Some good mage builds for solo play include:

  1. Elemental Mage with points in Pyrokinetic, Aerotheurge, and Geomancer
  2. Necromancer with points in Necromancy, Summoning, and Warfare
  3. Support Mage with points in Hydrosophist, Aerotheurge, and Geomancer