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Unleash Your Intelligence: Top 5 Best Int Weapons for Dominating Dark Souls 2

Looking for the best int weapon in Dark Souls 2? Check out our guide to find the top options for mages and sorcerers!

Dark Souls 2 is one of the most challenging games in the franchise. Players are forced to navigate through a dark and treacherous world, filled with deadly creatures and traps. To survive, they must equip themselves with the best weapons and armor available. Among the different weapon types, intelligence-based weapons are one of the most sought-after by players who rely on magic to defeat their enemies. In this article, we will explore the best intelligence-based weapons in Dark Souls 2, providing you with all the information you need to make an informed decision.

First on our list is the Moonlight Greatsword. This iconic weapon has been featured in every game in the series and has become a fan favorite over the years. The Moonlight Greatsword is a powerful weapon that deals both physical and magic damage. Its unique ability to fire a projectile attack makes it an excellent choice for both close-range and ranged combat. Additionally, its high damage output and long reach make it an ideal choice for players who want to take down tough enemies quickly.

The Staff of Wisdom is another excellent intelligence-based weapon in Dark Souls 2. This staff has the highest Intelligence scaling of any staff in the game, making it the perfect choice for mages who want to deal maximum damage. Its special ability, which increases spell casting speed, allows players to unleash devastating spells at a faster rate, making it an invaluable tool in the hands of a skilled player. Additionally, the Staff of Wisdom can be infused with different types of magic, allowing players to tailor their weapons to their specific playstyle.

If you're looking for a fast and agile weapon, the Blue Flame sword is an excellent choice. This sword deals both physical and magic damage and can be used to cast spells as well. Its unique dual-wielding ability allows players to wield a second weapon or shield, making it a versatile choice for different playstyles. Additionally, the Blue Flame sword can be infused with magic to increase its damage output, making it an ideal choice for players who want to deal maximum damage.

The Black Witch's Staff is a unique weapon that allows players to cast both Sorceries and Hexes. This versatile staff deals both physical and magic damage and has high Intelligence and Faith scaling, making it an excellent choice for players who want to use both types of spells. Additionally, the Black Witch's Staff can be infused with different types of magic, allowing players to tailor their weapons to their specific playstyle.

The Magic Dragonrider Halberd is a powerful weapon that deals both physical and magic damage. Its special ability, which increases magic damage when the player's health is low, makes it an excellent choice for players who like to take risks in combat. Additionally, the Magic Dragonrider Halberd has a long reach and high damage output, making it an ideal choice for players who want to take down tough enemies quickly.

The Sorcerer's Twinblade is a unique weapon that allows players to deal both physical and magic damage with each swing. This weapon's unique ability, which allows players to cast spells with each swing, makes it an excellent choice for players who want to combine melee combat with magic. Additionally, the Sorcerer's Twinblade has a fast attack speed and can be infused with magic to increase its damage output, making it an ideal choice for players who want to deal maximum damage.

The Magic Mace is a powerful weapon that deals both physical and magic damage. Its high damage output and ability to stagger enemies make it an ideal choice for players who want to take down tough enemies quickly. Additionally, the Magic Mace can be infused with different types of magic, allowing players to tailor their weapons to their specific playstyle.

The Magic Ice Rapier is a unique weapon that deals both physical and magic damage. This rapier's special ability, which allows players to fire a projectile attack, makes it an excellent choice for both close-range and ranged combat. Additionally, the Magic Ice Rapier has a fast attack speed and can be infused with magic to increase its damage output, making it an ideal choice for players who want to deal maximum damage.

The Staff of Amana is a powerful staff that deals both physical and magic damage. Its high Intelligence scaling and special ability, which increases spell casting speed, make it an excellent choice for mages who want to deal maximum damage. Additionally, the Staff of Amana has a long reach and can be infused with different types of magic, allowing players to tailor their weapons to their specific playstyle.

Finally, the Dragonrider Bow is a powerful bow that deals both physical and magic damage. Its unique ability, which allows players to fire arrows that deal both physical and magic damage, makes it an excellent choice for ranged combat. Additionally, the Dragonrider Bow has a fast firing rate and can be infused with magic to increase its damage output, making it an ideal choice for players who want to deal maximum damage.

In conclusion, intelligence-based weapons are some of the most powerful in Dark Souls 2. Players who rely on magic to defeat their enemies should consider equipping themselves with one of the weapons listed above to ensure their survival in this brutal world. Whether you prefer swords, staffs, or bows, there is an intelligence-based weapon out there that is perfect for your playstyle.


Dark Souls 2 is an action-packed role-playing game that has gained popularity for its intense and challenging gameplay. One of the crucial aspects of the game is weapons, which play a significant role in determining your success. If you are an intelligent build player, finding the best intelligence weapon can be a daunting task. In this article, we will explore some of the best intelligence weapons in Dark Souls 2.

The Best Intelligence Weapons in Dark Souls 2

The Moonlight Greatsword

The Moonlight Greatsword is one of the best intelligence weapons in Dark Souls 2. This sword is famous for its unique design and power. It is a great choice for players who want to focus on magic and intelligence. The sword has a base damage of 125 and can be infused with magic to increase its damage output. It also has a special ability that enables it to shoot a magical projectile at enemies.

The Blue Flame

The Blue Flame is another excellent intelligence weapon in Dark Souls 2. It is a sword that can be used as both a melee weapon and a catalyst for spells. The sword has a base damage of 110 and can be infused with magic to increase its damage output. It is also lightweight, making it an excellent choice for players who prefer agility over brute force.

The Staff of Wisdom

The Staff of Wisdom is a staff that is specifically designed for intelligence-based players. It has a base damage of 130 and can be upgraded to increase its damage output. The staff also has a special ability that allows it to cast spells at a faster rate than other staves. It is a great choice for players who want to focus on casting spells rather than using melee weapons.

The Black Witch's Staff

The Black Witch's Staff is a versatile weapon that can be used for both melee attacks and spellcasting. It has a base damage of 100 and can be infused with magic to increase its damage output. The staff also has a unique ability that allows it to cast spells from multiple schools of magic. It is a great choice for players who want to have a variety of spells at their disposal.

The Magic Mace

The Magic Mace is a mace that is infused with magic to increase its damage output. It has a base damage of 130 and can be upgraded to increase its damage further. The mace is an excellent choice for players who prefer close-quarters combat and want to deal significant damage.


In conclusion, finding the best intelligence weapon in Dark Souls 2 can be challenging, but it is crucial for success in the game. The Moonlight Greatsword, Blue Flame, Staff of Wisdom, Black Witch's Staff, and Magic Mace are some of the best intelligence weapons that players can use. Each weapon has its unique abilities and features that make them suitable for different playstyles. As a player, you should experiment with different weapons to find the one that suits your style and needs.Dark Souls 2 is a game that requires a lot of strategy, patience, and skill to play. One of the key aspects of the game is choosing the right weapon to use. In Dark Souls 2, there are several types of weapons, including strength weapons, dexterity weapons, and intelligence weapons. In this article, we will focus on intelligence weapons, what they are, why they are important, and how to choose the best one for your character.

What is an Int Weapon in Dark Souls 2?

An intelligence weapon, or int weapon for short, is a type of weapon that scales with your character’s intelligence stat. This means that the higher your intelligence stat is, the more damage your int weapon will do. Int weapons are typically used by magic users, as they require a high intelligence stat to be effective.Int weapons come in several different types, including swords, spears, staffs, and wands. Each type of int weapon has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to choose the right one for your playstyle.

The Importance of Intelligence in Dark Souls 2

Intelligence is a very important stat in Dark Souls 2, especially for magic users. Intelligence determines the strength of your spells and the damage output of your int weapons. The higher your intelligence stat is, the more damage you will do with your spells and int weapons.In addition to increasing damage output, intelligence also affects your character’s spellcasting abilities. A higher intelligence stat allows you to cast more powerful spells and gives you access to more advanced spells.

How to Choose the Best Int Weapon in Dark Souls 2

Choosing the best int weapon in Dark Souls 2 can be a bit tricky, as there are many factors to consider. Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing an int weapon:1. Scaling: Look for a weapon that has high scaling with intelligence. This means that the weapon will do more damage as your intelligence stat increases.2. Moveset: Choose a weapon that has a moveset that fits your playstyle. If you prefer fast, agile attacks, choose a weapon with a quick moveset. If you prefer slower, more powerful attacks, choose a weapon with a heavy moveset.3. Range: Consider the range of the weapon. Some int weapons have longer reach than others, which can be helpful in certain situations.4. Special Abilities: Some int weapons have special abilities, such as the ability to cast spells or the ability to buff your character in some way. Consider these abilities when choosing a weapon.

Top 5 Int Weapons for Magic Users in Dark Souls 2

1. Moonlight Greatsword - This sword has an S scaling with intelligence and deals pure magic damage. It also has a unique moveset that allows you to shoot a projectile from the sword.2. Staff of Wisdom - This staff has an S scaling with intelligence and is one of the best catalysts for sorcery spells. It also has a long range and can cast spells quickly.3. Blue Flame - This sword has a B scaling with intelligence and can be used to cast sorcery spells. It also has a versatile moveset that allows for both melee and ranged attacks.4. Dragonrider Halberd - This halberd has a B scaling with intelligence and deals both physical and magic damage. It also has a long reach and a unique moveset.5. Black Witch’s Staff - This staff has a B scaling with intelligence and can cast both sorcery and hex spells. It also has a long range and can be used as a melee weapon.

The Best Catalysts for Int Weapons in Dark Souls 2

In addition to choosing the right int weapon, it’s also important to choose the right catalyst for your spells. Here are some of the best catalysts for magic users in Dark Souls 2:1. Staff of Wisdom - As mentioned earlier, this staff is one of the best catalysts for sorcery spells. It has high scaling with intelligence and can cast spells quickly.2. Sunset Staff - This staff is a good choice for hex spells, as it has high scaling with both intelligence and faith.3. Black Witch’s Staff - This staff can cast both sorcery and hex spells, making it a versatile choice for magic users.4. Witchtree Branch - This staff has a fast casting speed and low stamina consumption, making it a good choice for quick spells.5. Sacred Chime Staff - This catalyst is a good choice for miracles, as it has high scaling with faith and can cast both miracles and sorcery spells.

How to Upgrade Int Weapons in Dark Souls 2

To upgrade your int weapons in Dark Souls 2, you will need to use titanite shards, large titanite shards, titanite chunks, and titanite slabs. These materials can be found throughout the game or purchased from merchants.To upgrade your int weapon, simply go to a blacksmith and select the “reinforce weapon” option. You will then be able to choose the int weapon you want to upgrade and the titanite materials you want to use.It’s important to note that upgrading your int weapon will increase its damage output and scaling, so it’s worth investing in upgrading your weapon.

The Benefits of Using Int Weapons in Dark Souls 2

There are several benefits to using int weapons in Dark Souls 2. Here are just a few:1. High Damage Output: Int weapons have high scaling with intelligence, which means they can deal a lot of damage when used by magic users.2. Versatility: Many int weapons have versatile movesets that allow for both melee and ranged attacks.3. Spellcasting Abilities: Some int weapons can be used to cast spells, which can be helpful in certain situations.4. Unique Abilities: Some int weapons have unique abilities, such as the ability to shoot projectiles or the ability to buff your character.

The Dark Magic Build: Using Int Weapons to Dominate in Dark Souls 2

The dark magic build is a popular strategy in Dark Souls 2 that involves using int weapons and hex spells to deal massive damage to enemies. Here are some tips for creating a dark magic build:1. Focus on Intelligence and Faith: To create a powerful dark magic build, you will need to invest heavily in both intelligence and faith.2. Choose the Right Int Weapon: Choose an int weapon that has high scaling with intelligence and deals pure magic damage.3. Use Hex Spells: Hex spells are a combination of sorcery and miracles and can deal massive damage to enemies. Choose hex spells that complement your int weapon.4. Upgrade Your Int Weapon: Upgrading your int weapon will increase its damage output and scaling, making it even more powerful.5. Experiment with Different Tactics: The dark magic build is a versatile strategy that allows for both melee and ranged attacks. Experiment with different tactics to find what works best for you.

The Best Int Weapons for PvE in Dark Souls 2

For PvE (player vs. environment) in Dark Souls 2, it’s important to choose an int weapon that can deal a lot of damage to enemies while also being versatile enough to handle different types of enemies. Here are some of the best int weapons for PvE:1. Moonlight Greatsword - This sword is a great choice for PvE, as it deals pure magic damage and has a unique moveset.2. Staff of Wisdom - This staff is a versatile choice for PvE, as it can cast spells quickly and has a long range.3. Black Knight Halberd - This halberd has a B scaling with intelligence and deals both physical and magic damage, making it a good choice for PvE.4. Blue Flame - This sword can be used to cast sorcery spells and has a versatile moveset that allows for both melee and ranged attacks.5. Dragonrider Halberd - This halberd has a long reach and a unique moveset, making it a good choice for dealing with different types of enemies.

The Best Int Weapons for PvP in Dark Souls 2

For PvP (player vs. player) in Dark Souls 2, it’s important to choose an int weapon that can deal a lot of damage to other players while also being fast and agile enough to avoid attacks. Here are some of the best int weapons for PvP:1. Ice Rapier - This rapier has an S scaling with intelligence and can deal massive damage to other players. It also has a quick moveset and can be used to poke and stun opponents.2. Watcher Greatsword - This greatsword has a B scaling with intelligence and can deal both physical and magic damage. It also has a unique moveset that can catch opponents off guard.3. Blue Flame - This sword can be used to cast sorcery spells and has a versatile moveset that allows for both melee and ranged attacks.4. Dark Crypt Blacksword - This greatsword has an A scaling with intelligence and faith and can deal massive damage to other players. It also has a unique moveset that can catch opponents off guard.5. Staff of Wisdom - This staff is a versatile choice for PvP, as it can cast spells quickly and has a long range.


Choosing the right int weapon in Dark Souls 2 can be a bit overwhelming, but with the right information and strategy, it’s possible to create a powerful character that can dominate enemies and other players alike. Remember to focus on intelligence and choose a weapon that fits your playstyle, and don’t forget to upgrade your weapon for maximum damage output. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a master of dark magic in Dark Souls 2.

Dark Souls 2 Best Int Weapon: A Point of View

The Pros and Cons of Dark Souls 2 Best Int Weapon

When it comes to choosing the best int weapon in Dark Souls 2, there are several pros and cons to consider before making a decision. Here are a few:


  • High damage output: The best int weapon in Dark Souls 2 typically offers high damage output, which can be advantageous in defeating tough enemies and bosses.
  • Range: Many int weapons have longer range than melee weapons, allowing players to keep their distance from enemies.
  • Magical properties: Int weapons often have magical properties that can inflict additional damage or status debuffs on enemies.


  • Slow attack speed: Many int weapons have slower attack speed than other weapons, making it difficult to land hits on fast-moving enemies.
  • High stat requirements: The best int weapons often require high intelligence and/or faith stats, which may limit player builds.
  • Low durability: Some int weapons have low durability, meaning they will break more quickly and require more frequent repairs.

A Comparison of Dark Souls 2 Best Int Weapons

For those looking to compare different int weapons in Dark Souls 2, here is a table of some of the most popular options:

Weapon Damage Output Range Intelligence Requirement
Moonlight Greatsword High Long 26
Blue Flame Medium-High Medium-Long 18
Staff of Wisdom Medium-High (magic damage) N/A 50
Black Witch's Staff Medium (magic and dark damage) Medium-Long 20/20

Ultimately, the best int weapon in Dark Souls 2 will depend on individual playstyles and preferences. Players should consider the pros and cons of each option before deciding which weapon will be most effective for their build.

The Best Intelligence Weapon in Dark Souls 2

Thank you for visiting our blog and taking the time to read this article about the best Intelligence weapon in Dark Souls 2. We hope that this article has been helpful in your quest to find the perfect weapon for your build. As we know, Intelligence builds require weapons that scale well with the Intelligence stat, and we have researched and tested various weapons to bring you the best options.

Firstly, we would like to mention the Moonlight Greatsword, which is a fan-favorite among Dark Souls players. It is a weapon that scales with Intelligence, making it a great choice for Intelligence builds. Its unique moveset and special attack, which shoots a magical projectile, make it a versatile weapon that can be used in different situations.

If you prefer a faster weapon, the Blue Flame is an excellent option. It is a straight sword that can also cast spells, making it a hybrid weapon that can deal both physical and magic damage. Its moveset is similar to other straight swords, but its ability to cast spells makes it stand out.

Another weapon worth mentioning is the Staff of Wisdom, which is a staff that scales exceptionally well with Intelligence. It has the highest Intelligence scaling of all staves in the game, making it a must-have for any Intelligence build. Its special attack, which fires a powerful laser beam, is also a sight to behold.

If you prefer a weapon that deals pure magic damage, the Blue Dagger is an excellent choice. It is a dagger that scales with Intelligence and deals pure magic damage, making it a deadly weapon against enemies weak to magic. Its moveset is similar to other daggers, but its ability to deal pure magic damage sets it apart from the rest.

For those who prefer ranged combat, the Magic Long Bow is an excellent choice. It deals magic damage and scales with Intelligence, making it a great option for Intelligence builds. Its ability to shoot arrows from a safe distance makes it a great weapon against enemies that are difficult to approach.

Another staff worth mentioning is the Witchtree Branch, which is a staff that has a unique moveset and scales well with Intelligence. It has a faster casting speed than other staves, making it a great option for players who prefer a more aggressive playstyle. Its special attack, which shoots a barrage of magical arrows, is also a great crowd control tool.

The Sorcerer's Twinblade is another weapon that scales well with Intelligence. It is a twinblade that can deal both physical and magic damage, making it a versatile weapon that can be used in different situations. Its moveset is similar to other twinblades, but its ability to deal magic damage sets it apart from the rest.

If you prefer a weapon that can stun-lock enemies, the Magic Mace is an excellent choice. It is a mace that deals magic damage and scales with Intelligence, making it a great option for Intelligence builds. Its ability to stun-lock enemies makes it a deadly weapon against bosses and other tough enemies.

Lastly, we would like to mention the Black Knight Halberd, which is a weapon that does not scale with Intelligence. However, it deals fire damage, which is a great option against enemies weak to fire. Its moveset is also unique and can deal devastating damage when used correctly.

In conclusion, we hope that this article has been helpful in your search for the best Intelligence weapon in Dark Souls 2. Remember that the best weapon is one that fits your playstyle and preferences, so experiment with different weapons and find the one that suits you best. Thank you for reading, and good luck on your journey through Drangleic!

People Also Ask About Dark Souls 2 Best Int Weapon

What is the best int weapon in Dark Souls 2?

The best intelligence weapon in Dark Souls 2 is the Blue Flame. It is a unique sword that can also cast sorceries, making it a versatile weapon for players who focus on intelligence builds.

What are some other good int weapons in Dark Souls 2?

Aside from the Blue Flame, there are several other good intelligence weapons in Dark Souls 2:

  • Staff of Wisdom - a powerful staff that scales well with intelligence
  • Moonlight Greatsword - a classic sword that deals heavy magic damage
  • Dragonrider Halberd - a halberd that deals both physical and magic damage

How do I get the Blue Flame in Dark Souls 2?

The Blue Flame can be obtained by defeating the Leydia Pyromancer enemies in the Undead Crypt. They have a chance to drop the weapon, so players will need to farm them until they acquire it.

Can I infuse the Blue Flame in Dark Souls 2?

Yes, the Blue Flame can be infused with various gems to enhance its damage output. Players can infuse it with a Magic Stone to increase its magic damage, or with a Darknight Stone to add dark damage.