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The Ultimate Guide to Crafting the Best Rogue Build in Pillars of Eternity: Unleash Your Stealth and Combat Skills

Discover the ultimate guide to creating the best rogue build in Pillars of Eternity. Master the game with our expert tips and strategies.

When it comes to building a rogue character in Pillars of Eternity, there are several factors to consider. You want to ensure that your rogue is both agile and deadly, able to navigate the treacherous world of Eora with ease while also taking down enemies with quick and efficient strikes. To achieve this, you'll need to carefully select your abilities and equipment, and make strategic choices throughout the game. In this article, we'll explore the pillars of eternity best rogue build, offering tips and advice for creating a character that can dominate the battlefield.

The first step in creating a strong rogue character is to select the right race and background. While any race can be a rogue, some are better suited to the profession than others. For example, the Wood Elf's increased Dexterity and Perception can make them excellent archers, while the Wild Orlan's increased Critical Hit chance can make them effective melee fighters. Your background can also play a role in shaping your character's abilities, as certain backgrounds offer bonuses to skills like Stealth and Mechanics.

Once you've selected your race and background, it's time to start building your rogue's abilities. The most important attribute for a rogue is Dexterity, which increases their accuracy and speed in combat. You'll also want to invest points in Perception, which improves your rogue's chance to hit and critical hit chance. Other useful attributes include Might, which increases damage output, and Intellect, which can improve the effectiveness of certain abilities.

When it comes to selecting skills for your rogue, there are several options to consider. One of the most important skills for any rogue is Stealth, which allows them to avoid detection and move unnoticed through enemy territory. Mechanics is also a useful skill, as it allows your rogue to disable traps and open locks. Finally, Athletics can be helpful for improving your rogue's endurance and allowing them to move more quickly in combat.

As you progress through the game, you'll also want to invest in certain talents and abilities that can help your rogue become even more deadly. For example, the Dirty Fighting talent allows your rogue to inflict Bleeding on enemies with their attacks, while the Shadowing Beyond ability allows them to disappear from sight for a short period of time. Other useful abilities include Crippling Strike, which can slow down enemy movement, and Escape, which allows your rogue to quickly disengage from combat.

Of course, equipment also plays a crucial role in any rogue build. You'll want to select weapons and armor that complement your rogue's abilities, such as daggers that increase accuracy or armor that improves stealth. You may also want to consider using consumables like poisons or potions to give your rogue an edge in combat.

Ultimately, the key to creating a strong rogue character in Pillars of Eternity is to be strategic and deliberate in your choices. By carefully selecting your race, background, abilities, and equipment, you can create a character that is both deadly and versatile, able to take on any challenge that comes their way. So if you're looking to dominate the battlefield as a rogue, take these tips to heart and start building your ultimate character today!


Pillars of Eternity is a role-playing game that offers players a chance to create their characters and embark on a thrilling adventure. One of the character classes in Pillars of Eternity is the rogue. A rogue character is incredibly versatile and can deal significant damage both in and out of combat. In this article, we will outline the best rogue build in Pillars of Eternity.

Rogue Attributes

The rogue class in Pillars of Eternity relies heavily on their attributes to be effective. The essential attributes for a rogue build are Might, Dexterity, and Perception. Might increases the rogue's damage output, while Dexterity improves their accuracy and speed in combat. Perception increases the rogue's critical hit chance and accuracy. Other attributes such as Constitution, Intelligence, and Resolve can be beneficial but are not as crucial as the three mentioned above.

Rogue Abilities

The rogue class has a wide range of abilities that allow for a variety of playstyles. The most important abilities for a rogue build are those that increase their damage output and survivability. Two-weapon style, Dirty Fighting, and Crippling Strike are all excellent choices for a rogue focused on damage. Escape, Shadowing Beyond, and Blinding Strike are useful for rogues who want to focus on mobility and evasion.

Rogue Talents

Talents are passive abilities that provide a permanent bonus to the rogue. The most useful talents for a rogue build are those that increase their damage output, critical hit chance, and survivability. Weapon Focus: Ruffian, Bloody Slaughter, and Vicious Fighting are all excellent choices for a rogue focused on damage. Quick Switch, Superior Deflection, and Weapon and Shield Style are useful for rogues who want to focus on survivability.

Rogue Equipment

The equipment a rogue uses can significantly impact their effectiveness in combat. The most important piece of equipment for a rogue is their weapon. A rogue should use either two weapons or a single weapon and a shield, depending on their playstyle. The best weapons for a rogue are those that deal high damage and have a fast attack speed. Daggers and sabers are excellent choices for a rogue focused on damage, while swords and shields are better for rogues who want to focus on survivability.

Rogue Party Composition

The composition of a player's party can also impact the effectiveness of their rogue. A rogue works best in a party that has a tank to draw aggro, a healer to keep everyone alive, and a ranged damage dealer to take out enemies from a distance. A druid or a wizard can be an excellent addition to a rogue-focused party, providing crowd control and additional damage output.

Rogue Gameplay Tips

Playing a rogue in Pillars of Eternity can be challenging but rewarding. Here are some tips for players looking to optimize their rogue build:

1. Stay mobile in combat to avoid taking unnecessary damage

2. Use your abilities strategically to maximize damage output

3. Focus on taking out high priority targets first

4. Be patient and wait for the right moment to strike

Rogue Roleplaying Tips

Roleplaying a rogue in Pillars of Eternity can add an extra layer of immersion to the game. Here are some tips for players looking to fully embrace their rogue character:

1. Play up your character's cunning and resourcefulness

2. Take advantage of opportunities for theft and deception

3. Use your character's backstory to inform their motivations and actions

4. Embrace your character's flaws, such as a tendency towards greed or recklessness


A well-built rogue can be a valuable asset to any party in Pillars of Eternity. By focusing on the right attributes, abilities, talents, and equipment, players can create a rogue build that is both versatile and deadly. With these tips, players can take their rogue character to the next level and fully immerse themselves in the world of Pillars of Eternity.

The Pillars of Eternity Best Rogue Build: Creating the Ultimate Assassin

When it comes to creating the ultimate assassin in Pillars of Eternity, the rogue class is the way to go. With their high damage output, stealth skills, and ability to sneak attack enemies from behind, rogues can quickly take down even the toughest foes. However, to create an effective rogue build, you need to understand the game mechanics, choose the right race, allocate your skills properly, choose the right equipment, balance offense and defense, build a party composition that complements your rogue, understand the role of rogues in combat, and maximize your abilities and talents.

1. Choosing the Best Race for Your Rogue

The first step in creating an effective rogue build is choosing the right race. Different races have different attributes that can affect your rogue's performance in battle. Here are some of the best races for rogues:

  • Human: Humans are well-rounded and have a bonus to all attributes, making them a good choice for any class, including rogues.
  • Elf: Elves have bonuses to Dexterity and Perception, which are important for rogues who rely on speed and accuracy.
  • Godlike: Godlike characters have unique abilities that can enhance their performance in combat. For example, if you choose a fire godlike, you'll gain a bonus to damage dealt with fire attacks.

2. Skill Allocation for an Effective Rogue Build

Next, you need to allocate your skills properly to create an effective rogue build. Here are some of the most important skills for rogues:

  • Stealth: Stealth is essential for rogues who want to sneak up on enemies and deliver devastating sneak attacks. Make sure to invest points in this skill early on.
  • Athletics: Athletics is important for any character who wants to move quickly and avoid getting stunned or knocked down in combat.
  • Mechanics: Mechanics is useful for disarming traps and unlocking doors, which can help you avoid combat or gain an advantage in battle.
  • Sleight of Hand: Sleight of Hand is useful for pickpocketing and stealing, but it's not essential for a rogue build.

3. The Importance of Choosing the Right Equipment

Choosing the right equipment is crucial for creating an effective rogue build. Here are some of the best weapons and armor for rogues:

  • Weapons: Daggers are the best weapons for rogues because they have a high crit chance and can deliver devastating sneak attacks. Additionally, ranged weapons like bows and pistols can be useful for taking out enemies from a distance.
  • Armor: Light armor is the best choice for rogues because it allows for maximum mobility and doesn't penalize your stealth skill. Look for armor that has bonuses to Dexterity and Perception.

4. Balancing Offense and Defense in Your Build

When creating a rogue build, it's important to balance offense and defense. While rogues are known for their high damage output, they can also be fragile in combat. Here are some tips for balancing offense and defense:

  • Invest in defensive skills: Skills like Athletics and Survival can help you avoid getting knocked down or stunned in combat.
  • Use defensive abilities: Rogues have access to abilities like Evasion and Escape that can help them avoid damage in combat.
  • Build a party composition that complements your rogue: Having a tank or support character in your party can help take some of the pressure off your rogue in combat.

5. Building a Party Composition to Complement Your Rogue

Speaking of party composition, building a team that complements your rogue is key to success. Here are some classes that work well with rogues:

  • Tank: A tank character like a fighter or paladin can draw enemy attention away from your rogue, allowing them to deal damage without being targeted.
  • Support: A support character like a priest or chanter can buff your rogue's stats and debuff enemies, making them easier to hit.
  • Ranger: A ranger character can provide ranged support and help your rogue take down enemies from a distance.

6. Understanding the Role of Rogues in Combat

To create an effective rogue build, you need to understand the role of rogues in combat. Rogues are best used as assassins who can quickly take out high-priority targets like spellcasters or archers. Here are some tips for using your rogue effectively in combat:

  • Use stealth: Use your rogue's stealth skill to sneak up on enemies and deliver devastating sneak attacks.
  • Focus on high-priority targets: Use your rogue's high damage output to take out enemy spellcasters and archers, who can deal a lot of damage to your party if left unchecked.
  • Use abilities and talents: Rogues have access to a range of abilities and talents that can enhance their damage output and make them more effective in combat.

7. The Benefits of Multiclassing with Rogue

Multiclassing can be a great way to create a more versatile rogue build. By combining the rogue class with another class, you can gain access to new abilities and talents that can enhance your performance in combat. Here are some classes that work well with rogues:

  • Fighter: Combining the fighter class with rogue can create a tanky assassin who can take a lot of damage while dealing high damage with sneak attacks.
  • Wizard: Combining the wizard class with rogue can create a magical assassin who can use spells to debuff enemies and enhance their own damage output.
  • Priest: Combining the priest class with rogue can create a support assassin who can buff their own stats and debuff enemies while dealing high damage.

8. Maximizing Stealth and Sneak Attacks

Stealth and sneak attacks are the bread and butter of any rogue build. Here are some tips for maximizing your rogue's stealth and sneak attack skills:

  • Invest in stealth: Make sure to invest points in your rogue's stealth skill early on so they can sneak up on enemies undetected.
  • Use terrain to your advantage: Look for areas where your rogue can hide behind cover or use shadows to their advantage.
  • Upgrade your sneak attack: Rogues have access to talents and abilities that can enhance their sneak attack damage, so make sure to invest in these upgrades.

9. Effective Use of Abilities and Talents

Rogues have access to a range of abilities and talents that can enhance their damage output and make them more effective in combat. Here are some tips for using these abilities and talents effectively:

  • Use abilities strategically: Abilities like Evasion and Escape can help your rogue avoid damage in combat, so make sure to use them at the right time.
  • Invest in talents that complement your playstyle: Talents like Two Weapon Style and Dirty Fighting can enhance your rogue's damage output, while talents like Weapon and Shield Style can enhance their defense.
  • Upgrade your abilities: As you level up, make sure to upgrade your rogue's abilities to make them more effective in combat.

10. Tips for Leveling Up Your Rogue Build

Finally, here are some tips for leveling up your rogue build:

  • Focus on Dexterity and Perception: These attributes are essential for rogues who rely on speed and accuracy.
  • Invest in stealth and athletics: These skills are essential for any rogue build.
  • Experiment with multiclassing: Combining the rogue class with another class can create a more versatile and effective character.

By following these tips, you can create an effective rogue build that can take down even the toughest foes in Pillars of Eternity.

Pillars of Eternity Best Rogue Build

Point of View

As a player who enjoys the rogue class in RPG games, I believe that the best rogue build in Pillars of Eternity is one that focuses on stealth, mobility, and critical hits. In this build, I prioritize attributes such as Perception, Dexterity, and Intellect, and choose skills and abilities that allow me to move quickly around the battlefield, avoid enemy attacks, and deal massive damage with sneak attacks.


- High damage output: With their ability to deal critical hits and bypass enemy defenses, rogues can dish out some of the highest damage in the game.- Stealth and mobility: Rogues can use their stealth skill to avoid detection and position themselves for sneak attacks, as well as dash and shadowing beyond to quickly move around the battlefield.- Versatile: Rogues can specialize in either melee or ranged combat, and have access to a wide range of weapon proficiencies and talents.- Utility: Rogues have several abilities that can debuff enemies, disarm traps, and unlock doors and chests.


- Squishy: Rogues have low health and defenses, making them vulnerable to enemy attacks.- Limited resources: Rogue abilities often require guile points, which are limited and must be replenished through actions such as landing critical hits or killing enemies.- Reliance on positioning: To maximize their damage output, rogues must be positioned correctly and avoid getting flanked or surrounded by enemies.

Comparison Table

Attribute Best for Rogue Build
Perception Increases accuracy, allows for better detection of traps and hidden objects
Dexterity Increases attack speed, reflexes, and mobility
Intellect Increases area of effect and duration of abilities, improves critical hit damage

Beyond attributes, a good rogue build should also prioritize skills such as stealth, mechanics, and athletics, as well as abilities such as dirty fighting, smoke cloud, and crippling strike. Additionally, choosing the right weapons and armor can greatly enhance a rogue's effectiveness on the battlefield.

The Best Rogue Build for Pillars of Eternity: A Comprehensive Guide

Thank you for taking the time to read through our comprehensive guide on the best rogue build for Pillars of Eternity. We hope that this article has helped you understand the ins and outs of building a powerful and effective rogue character, and that you're now ready to take on the game with confidence.

Our article covered a wide range of topics related to building a strong rogue character in Pillars of Eternity. We started by discussing the benefits and drawbacks of playing as a rogue, and why this class can be so effective when built correctly. From there, we went into detail about the different attributes and abilities that are most important for rogues, and how you can maximize these traits to create a truly formidable character.

We then moved on to discuss the different rogue subclasses that are available in Pillars of Eternity, including the Assassin, Streetfighter, and Trickster. Each of these subclasses offers unique benefits and drawbacks, and our guide helped you understand which subclass might be the best fit for your play style and preferences.

Another important aspect of building a strong rogue character is selecting the right skills and talents. We provided detailed information on the different skills that are most important for rogues, such as Stealth, Mechanics, and Athletics. We also discussed some of the best talents to choose to augment your rogue's abilities and make them even more deadly in combat.

Of course, no rogue build would be complete without a discussion of weapons and armor. We talked about the different weapon types that are most effective for rogues, such as daggers, swords, and pistols. We also discussed the importance of wearing light armor to maximize your rogue's mobility and speed in combat.

One of the key strategies for playing as a rogue is to focus on positioning and mobility. We provided tips and tricks for how to use your rogue's abilities to move quickly around the battlefield, flank enemies, and gain the upper hand in combat. We also talked about some of the best spells and abilities to use in conjunction with your rogue's attacks to deal maximum damage to your foes.

Finally, we wrapped up our guide by discussing some of the common mistakes that players make when building rogue characters. We provided advice on how to avoid these pitfalls and make sure that your rogue is as effective as possible in all situations.

Overall, we hope that this guide has given you a solid foundation for building the best rogue character in Pillars of Eternity. With the right attributes, skills, talents, weapons, and strategies, your rogue can be an unstoppable force on the battlefield. So go forth and explore the world of Pillars of Eternity, confident in the knowledge that your rogue is ready for anything!

People Also Ask About Pillars of Eternity Best Rogue Build

What are the key features of a good rogue build in Pillars of Eternity?

A good rogue build in Pillars of Eternity should prioritize high accuracy, damage output, and critical hit chance. It should also have a balance of defensive abilities to survive in combat.

  • Focus on Dexterity and Perception for higher accuracy and critical hit chance.
  • Invest in Stealth skill to sneak up on enemies and initiate combat with a surprise attack.
  • Choose weapon specialization in either melee or ranged weapons, depending on your play style.
  • Acquire abilities that increase damage output and allow for quick movement on the battlefield, such as Crippling Strike and Escape.
  • Choose defensive abilities that increase evasion and reduce incoming damage, such as Dirty Fighting and Riposte.

What is the best rogue subclass in Pillars of Eternity?

The best rogue subclass in Pillars of Eternity is the Assassin subclass. It provides a significant boost to critical hit chance and damage, especially when attacking from stealth. This makes it an ideal choice for players who want to prioritize burst damage and take out enemies quickly.

  • Assassin subclass provides a +4 bonus to accuracy and +50% bonus to damage when attacking from stealth.
  • It also grants the Deathblows ability, which increases critical hit chance and damage against enemies at low health.
  • Assassin subclass also has access to abilities that further increase critical hit chance and damage, such as Finishing Blow and Deep Wounds.

What equipment should I use for my rogue in Pillars of Eternity?

As a rogue in Pillars of Eternity, you should prioritize equipment that boosts your accuracy, damage output, and critical hit chance. You should also look for gear that provides defensive bonuses to help you survive in combat.

  • Weapons: Choose a weapon type that complements your build, such as a rapier or arquebus. Look for weapons with high accuracy and damage output.
  • Armor: Prioritize light armor that provides bonuses to Dexterity and Perception, as well as defensive bonuses such as increased evasion and damage reduction.
  • Accessories: Look for accessories that provide bonuses to accuracy, damage, and critical hit chance. Examples include rings and amulets that increase Accuracy or Critical Hit Damage.