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Unleash the Power of Electric Thunder with These Top Strategies for Building the Best Electro Spirit Deck

Learn how to build the ultimate Electro Spirit deck with our expert tips and tricks. Dominate the arena and climb the ranks with ease!

Building an electro spirit deck is a great way to dominate the competition in Clash Royale. This powerful new card has quickly become a fan favorite, with its electrifying attacks and unique abilities. But with so many different strategies and card combinations to choose from, it can be tough to know where to start. That's why we've put together this guide to help you build the best electro spirit deck possible.

First and foremost, it's important to understand what makes the electro spirit so special. This versatile card can stun enemy troops, reset their attack animations, and even deal area damage. That means it's perfect for disrupting your opponent's plans and turning the tide of battle in your favor.

One key strategy for building an electro spirit deck is to focus on synergy between your cards. For example, you might pair the electro spirit with other cards that deal area damage, like the wizard or the executioner. This can create a devastating combination that wipes out entire groups of enemy troops at once.

Another important consideration is your elixir cost. The electro spirit is a relatively cheap card, costing only one elixir. That means you'll have plenty of opportunities to use it throughout a match. However, it's also important to have some higher-cost cards in your deck to provide additional firepower when needed.

When it comes to specific card choices, there are several options that work well with the electro spirit. The hog rider, for example, is a great choice for players who prefer an aggressive playstyle. This speedy troop can quickly reach your opponent's tower and deal massive damage if left unchecked.

For players who prefer a more defensive approach, the tesla is a solid choice. This building can target both ground and air troops, making it a versatile option for defending against different types of attacks.

Of course, no Clash Royale deck is complete without some spells. The zap spell is a natural fit for an electro spirit deck, as it can stun enemy troops and reset their attack animations just like the electro spirit itself. The fireball spell is another solid choice, as it can deal significant area damage to groups of enemy troops.

One important thing to keep in mind when building your electro spirit deck is to balance offense and defense. While the electro spirit can be a powerful offensive tool, it's also important to have enough defensive options to protect your own towers from enemy attacks.

For this reason, many players choose to include a building card like the inferno tower or the cannon in their decks. These cards can distract and damage enemy troops, giving your own troops more time to take them out.

Finally, it's worth considering your overall strategy when building an electro spirit deck. Do you prefer a fast, aggressive playstyle that focuses on taking down the enemy tower quickly? Or do you prefer a more patient approach, building up a strong defense and waiting for the right moment to strike?

Whatever your preferred strategy may be, with the right combination of cards and a solid understanding of the electro spirit's strengths and weaknesses, you'll be well on your way to dominating the competition in Clash Royale.


If you are a fan of the Clash Royale game, you probably already know about the latest addition to the game - the Electro Spirit. This new card has quickly become a favorite among players for its unique abilities that can stun and deal damage to enemy troops. In this article, we will show you how to build an Electro Spirit deck that is sure to give you an edge in battles.

The Electro Spirit Card

The Electro Spirit is a 1-elixir cost card that can be used to stun and deal damage to enemy troops. Its ability to jump and attack multiple targets at once makes it a versatile card that can be used both defensively and offensively. When played, the Electro Spirit jumps to its target and deals area damage, stunning all nearby enemy troops. It then returns to its original position, ready to be used again.

Building a Deck around the Electro Spirit

When building a deck around the Electro Spirit, it is important to consider its strengths and weaknesses. The card is most effective when used in combination with other cards that can take advantage of its stun and area damage abilities. Here are some cards that work well with the Electro Spirit:

1. Hog Rider

The Hog Rider is one of the most popular cards in Clash Royale, and for good reason. It is a fast-moving troop that can quickly reach the enemy tower and deal significant damage. When paired with the Electro Spirit, the Hog Rider can stun any defending troops, allowing it to get in a few extra hits on the tower.

2. Giant

The Giant is a tanky troop that can soak up a lot of damage. When combined with the Electro Spirit, the Giant can clear a path for other troops to attack the enemy tower. The Electro Spirit's stun ability also works well with the Giant, as it can prevent defending troops from targeting your other troops.

3. Musketeer

The Musketeer is a long-range troop that deals significant damage to enemy troops and towers. When paired with the Electro Spirit, the Musketeer can take out multiple enemy troops at once. The Electro Spirit's stun ability can also protect the Musketeer from any incoming attacks.

Defensive Strategy

The Electro Spirit is not just an offensive card - it can also be used defensively to great effect. When defending against a push, use the Electro Spirit to stun the enemy troops and deal area damage. This will buy you some time to deploy other defensive troops or buildings.

Offensive Strategy

When using the Electro Spirit offensively, it is important to pair it with other troops that can take advantage of its stun ability. Deploy the Electro Spirit first to stun any defending troops, then follow up with your other troops. This will give your troops a few extra seconds to attack the enemy tower.

Deck Composition

Here is an example of a deck that incorporates the Electro Spirit:

1. Electro Spirit

2. Hog Rider

3. Giant

4. Musketeer

5. Skeleton Army

6. Fireball

7. Zap

8. Goblin Cage

This deck includes a mix of offensive and defensive cards that work well with the Electro Spirit. The Hog Rider and Giant provide strong offensive options, while the Skeleton Army and Goblin Cage can be used to defend against enemy pushes. The Fireball and Zap spells can be used both offensively and defensively to take out enemy troops or buildings.


The Electro Spirit is a powerful new card that can be used to great effect in Clash Royale. By building a deck that takes advantage of its unique abilities, you can gain an edge in battles and climb the ranks. Experiment with different combinations of cards until you find a deck that works best for your playstyle and strategy.

Best Build an Electro Spirit Deck: Understanding its Unique Abilities and StrengthsThe Electro Spirit is one of the newest cards in Clash Royale, introduced in the December 2020 update. It's a 1-elixir cost card that stuns and deals area damage to enemy troops upon deployment. Although it has low health and damage output, it's an excellent support card that can disrupt enemy attacks and provide value for its cost.If you're considering building an Electro Spirit deck, it's essential to understand its unique abilities and strengths. This article will guide you through the process of creating a powerful Electro Spirit deck with a balanced mix of offensive and defensive cards.Choosing the Right Cards to Complement the Electro SpiritTo build an effective Electro Spirit deck, you need to choose cards that complement its strengths and cover its weaknesses. Since the Electro Spirit is a low-cost card, you'll want to include other cheap cards to cycle through your deck quickly and maintain elixir advantage.One good option is the Skeletons card, which costs only one elixir and can distract enemy troops and buildings. Another cheap card that pairs well with the Electro Spirit is the Ice Spirit, which can freeze enemy troops and buildings for a short time, allowing the Electro Spirit to deal more damage.You'll also want to include higher-cost cards that can deal significant damage and take out enemy towers. The Mega Knight is an excellent choice, as it can jump over the river and land on enemy troops and buildings while dealing area damage. The Royal Giant is another high-damage card that can target enemy buildings from long range.Balancing Offensive and Defensive Cards in the DeckWhen building an Electro Spirit deck, it's crucial to balance your offensive and defensive cards. Offensive cards are those that deal damage to enemy towers, while defensive cards are those that protect your towers from enemy attacks.You'll want to include a mix of both types of cards to create a well-rounded deck that can handle various types of opponents. Defensive cards like the Cannon and Tesla can target ground troops and buildings, providing solid defense against enemy pushes.Offensive cards like the Hog Rider and Goblin Barrel can deal significant damage to enemy towers if left unchecked. It's essential to find the right balance between offensive and defensive cards to ensure that you're prepared for any situation.Utilizing Synergy between Cards for Maximum EffectivenessOne of the keys to building a successful Electro Spirit deck is utilizing the synergy between cards. Synergy refers to how cards work together to create a greater effect than the sum of their individual abilities.For example, the Electro Wizard pairs well with the Electro Spirit because it can stun and deal area damage to enemy troops and buildings. The Mega Knight pairs well with the Electro Spirit because it can jump over the river and land on enemy troops and buildings while the Electro Spirit deals area damage.It's crucial to experiment with different card combinations to find the ones that work best for your playstyle. Once you've found a combination that works well, focus on using those cards together to create maximum effectiveness.Incorporating Spells and Buildings for Added VersatilitySpells and buildings are essential components of any Clash Royale deck, and an Electro Spirit deck is no exception. Spells like the Zap and Log can provide cheap ways to deal damage to enemy troops and buildings, while also resetting the attack of certain cards like Inferno Dragon or Sparky.Buildings like the Inferno Tower and Bomb Tower can provide solid defense against enemy pushes, while also distracting enemy troops and buildings.It's important to include spells and buildings in your Electro Spirit deck to add versatility and options to your gameplay. They can also help cover any weaknesses or gaps in your deck strategy.Strategies for Handling Different Types of OpponentsEvery opponent in Clash Royale plays differently, and it's essential to have a strategy for handling each type of player. Some opponents may focus on offense, while others may prefer to play defensively and counter your attacks.When facing an aggressive opponent, it's important to focus on defense and try to counter their pushes with defensive cards. When facing a defensive opponent, it's important to cycle through your deck quickly and try to overwhelm them with multiple attacks.It's also essential to adjust your strategy based on the opponent's deck composition. If they have many air troops, you'll want to include more cards that can target air, like the Inferno Dragon or Minions.Tips for Managing Elixir and Timing Plays EffectivelyManaging elixir is a crucial part of any Clash Royale game, and it's especially important when playing with an Electro Spirit deck. Since most of the cards in this deck are low-cost, you'll need to cycle through your deck quickly and maintain a constant stream of attacks.It's important to avoid wasting elixir by deploying cards at the wrong time or in the wrong position. You'll also want to pay attention to your opponent's elixir count and try to take advantage of any elixir advantage you may have.Timing plays effectively is also crucial when playing with an Electro Spirit deck. Since the Electro Spirit stuns enemy troops, it's important to deploy it at the right time to disrupt enemy attacks and create openings for your own attacks.The Importance of Card Placement and TargetingCard placement and targeting are critical factors in any Clash Royale game, and they're especially important when playing with an Electro Spirit deck. Since the Electro Spirit deals area damage, it's important to position it in the right place to deal maximum damage to enemy troops and buildings.You'll also want to pay attention to the targeting of your other cards and try to position them in a way that maximizes their effectiveness. For example, placing the Mega Knight behind the Electro Spirit can allow it to jump over the river and land on enemy troops and buildings while the Electro Spirit stuns them.Adjusting Your Deck to Match the Current MetaThe Clash Royale meta is constantly changing, and it's essential to adjust your deck to match the current trends. If a particular card or strategy is becoming popular, you'll want to include cards that can counter it effectively.For example, if the Royal Giant is becoming popular, you may want to include cards like the Inferno Tower or Mini Pekka that can deal significant damage to it.Practicing and Refining Your Electro Spirit Deck for Optimal PerformanceBuilding a powerful Electro Spirit deck takes time and practice. It's important to experiment with different card combinations and strategies to find the ones that work best for you.You'll also want to refine your gameplay by practicing against different opponents and analyzing your mistakes. By focusing on improving your skills and refining your deck, you can achieve optimal performance and climb the Clash Royale ranks.

Building the Best Electro Spirit Deck


Electro Spirit is a highly versatile card that can fit into a variety of decks. However, building the best Electro Spirit deck requires careful consideration of factors such as card synergy, playstyle, and current meta trends. This article aims to provide insights on how to build the best Electro Spirit deck, along with its pros and cons.

Pros of Building an Electro Spirit Deck

The Electro Spirit is a low-cost card that can stun and damage enemy troops, making it an effective counter to swarm decks.

It can also reset enemy charge attacks, allowing for a quick defense against heavy-hitting units.

Electro Spirit has a quick cycle time, enabling players to use it frequently throughout the game.

When paired with certain cards, such as the Ice Wizard or Musketeer, the Electro Spirit can create a powerful defense that can stop enemy pushes quickly.

Cons of Building an Electro Spirit Deck

Electro Spirit is vulnerable to spells like Zap or Arrows, which can quickly eliminate it from the battlefield.

It is not effective against heavy-hitting single units, such as the Giant or Golem.

Using the Electro Spirit in the wrong situation can leave players at a disadvantage, as it has a small health pool and can be easily taken down by enemy troops.

Best Electro Spirit Deck Build

To build the best Electro Spirit deck, players should aim for a balance of cards that can complement its strengths while covering its weaknesses. Here is a recommended deck build:

  1. Goblin Cage
  2. Ice Wizard
  3. Musketeer
  4. Electro Spirit
  5. Ice Golem
  6. Fireball
  7. Zap
  8. Log

The Goblin Cage provides a strong defense against enemy troops, while the Ice Wizard and Musketeer create a powerful defensive duo when paired with Electro Spirit. The Ice Golem can be used as a tank for the Electro Spirit or as a distraction for enemy troops. Fireball and Zap provide additional spell damage and reset capabilities, while the Log can be used to clear swarms and chip away at enemy towers.

Comparison with Other Decks

Compared to other decks, the Electro Spirit deck is highly versatile and can adapt to different play styles. It is effective against swarm decks and can hold its own against heavier units with the right card combinations. However, it requires careful timing and strategy to use effectively, as well as good knowledge of enemy troop movements and attack patterns.


Building the best Electro Spirit deck requires careful consideration of factors such as card synergy, playstyle, and current meta trends. While it has its strengths and weaknesses, the Electro Spirit can be a valuable addition to any deck when used effectively. With the recommended deck build and proper strategy, players can create a powerful defense that can take on any opponent.

Wrapping Up: How to Build the Best Electro Spirit Deck in Clash Royale

Thank you for taking the time to read our guide on building the best Electro Spirit deck in Clash Royale. We hope that you found the information provided helpful and informative, and that you feel more confident in your ability to create a powerful and effective deck for your battles.

As we have discussed throughout this article, the key to building a successful Electro Spirit deck is to focus on synergy between your cards, while also considering factors such as elixir cost, defensive capabilities, and offensive options. By carefully selecting the right cards and utilizing them effectively, you can create a deck that can take on any opponent.

One important component of building a strong Electro Spirit deck is to consider the current meta of Clash Royale. As the game evolves and new cards are introduced, the most effective strategies and card combinations can change. Therefore, it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and adapt your deck accordingly.

Another important factor to keep in mind when building your deck is the importance of practicing and refining your strategy. Even the best deck can be ineffective if you do not know how to use it properly. Take the time to experiment with different strategies and learn from your mistakes, and you will become a more skilled and confident player.

In addition to the tips and strategies we have discussed, there are many resources available online to help you build and refine your deck. Websites and forums dedicated to Clash Royale offer a wealth of information and advice from experienced players, and can be a great place to connect with other players and learn from their experiences.

Finally, it is important to remember that building a great Electro Spirit deck is not just about winning battles, but also about having fun. Experiment with different combinations of cards and find a strategy that suits your playstyle and preferences. With the right deck and a little practice, you can become a formidable opponent in Clash Royale and enjoy the game to its fullest.

Thank you again for reading our guide. We hope that you have found it helpful and informative, and wish you the best of luck as you build your own Electro Spirit deck!

People Also Ask About Best Build an Electro Spirit Deck

What are Electro Spirits?

Electro Spirits are a new type of card introduced in Clash Royale. They are low-cost units that can be used to cycle your deck or as a support unit. They have a unique ability to chain lightning between multiple targets, making them effective against swarm decks.

How do I build an Electro Spirit deck?

Building an Electro Spirit deck requires careful consideration of the cards you use. Here are some tips for building an effective Electro Spirit deck:

  • Include at least one win condition card such as Hog Rider or Giant.
  • Include at least one tank card such as Knight or Valkyrie to protect your win condition.
  • Include at least two spell cards such as Fireball or Zap to deal with enemy troops.
  • Include at least two Electro Spirit cards to cycle your deck and deal with swarm decks.
  • Fill the remaining slots with support cards such as Musketeer or Goblin Gang.

What is the best Electro Spirit deck?

The best Electro Spirit deck will depend on your playstyle and the current meta. However, here is a sample Electro Spirit deck that has been proven to be effective:

  1. Hog Rider
  2. Goblin Barrel
  3. Valkyrie
  4. Musketeer
  5. Zap
  6. Fireball
  7. Electro Spirit
  8. Ice Spirit

How do I use Electro Spirits effectively?

To use Electro Spirits effectively, you should:

  • Use them to cycle your deck.
  • Use them to deal with swarm decks by chaining lightning between multiple targets.
  • Use them to support your win condition by distracting enemy troops.
  • Use them to defend against enemy pushes by stunning troops and resetting their attack.

Are Electro Spirits worth upgrading?

Yes, Electro Spirits are worth upgrading if you plan to use them in your deck. Upgrading them will increase their health and damage, making them more effective in battle.